Chapter 16

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"I won't!" He replied stubbornly.

She clenched her jaw muscles. What was this man's problem? Her pateince was breaking! He was bent upon hurting her more. Because this hurt. Love, hurt. Period.

She turned and looked at him through wide red-rimmed eyes. He exhaled through his mouth slightly open. His hands were fisted. He had never seen her like that! He would have mistaken her eyes for his if those didn't have a color different from his.

"You want to talk. Fine. Talk. " she said in a cold voice. One he had never heard from her before. 

He took one step and another. With each step his impatience and fear of the unknown grew. "I.." He raised his hands to place it gently on her shoulders.

"Don't!" her voice was sharp, she looked at him her eyes threatening. "Touch me!" She completed raising her hand.

His blood boiled. How could she speak to him that way? He was trying to fix things, couldn't she see it. A second voice in his head reminded him to take it slow and be polite. She deserved every ounce of his patience and more. He gulped hard and inhaled. "Anika.." He began softly again.

She stepped back. He was hurt. He couldn't. He just couldn't see her putting distance between them. Irony.

He could not accept her behavior. How could she! She was stepping away from him. Percase it was her manner which hurt and slapped. His rage was on the rise.

"Anika!" He almost screamed. 

She looked at him, folding her hands. "This is what you came for? "

"Don't talk to me like this!" It was a plead disguised in a strict statement.

"Why? What's the problem? You know what Mr. Oberoi, I am done. Finish all that you have to and leave me, free. " This was an explosion in progress.

He was hurt was an understatement. 

"Free?" His voice shook.

He could be angry after all? She wanted to hate him as much as she had loved him. But she couldn't.

"Why? Only you want to be free? I need freedom from you as well. Mr. Oberoi. What do you want to break now? Everything is done. "

"Anika!" He screamed threateningly loud, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her close. "Is it so easy to say that?" He hissed into her ears.

She knew there was no reverse gear, no dampeners to what she had begun. Better finish it than... bare the raw pain.

"Why do you do this?" She asked. "Aren't you happy with her. With Tia. She was supposed to be at the place, from the beginning right? I was the one who stormed in. Are you not done punishing me for it yet? You sabotaged my happy life and then almost, my ambition, last night. "

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