ii . eavesdropping

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As it was break time, the four guys had decided to meet up at the music room. Yoongi had immediatly sat down in front of the piano as he played a simple yet elegant tune.

"Yoongi's piano playing has improved so much that he could be the second Beethoven. Am I right?" Hoseok placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

"I'm waiting for the competition in two months so I can get the prize money." Yoongi answered in a tired monotone voice as if he was done with universe's bullshit.

"So Jin, how's it going with Minkyung? Did you ask her on a date yet?" Namjoon questioned the thought occupied male.

"I'm planning on asking her after school." Jin unlocked his phone to see when his secretary would come with the stuff he ordered.

"Ohhhh, our eldest hyung is finally asking a girl out." Hoseok placed his hand over his mouth dramatically.

The three guys had already known about Jin's "condition," so they were quite shocked at first hearing the news.

"He had a crush on her since high school. It's about time he's asked her." Yoongi turned to the older one as he stopped playing the piano.

"So what are you going to give her." Hoseok was quite interested since it was the first time Seokjin ever acted like this.

- - -


"How could I have forgotten my music sheet?" I mentally hit my forehead with my hand as I mumbled and made my way to the music room.


Aish, why did she text me?

Daniel said he's going to ask Minhyun today. Is that ok?

I read the text in my brain but without much thought I answered 'whatever' since my only thought was finding my music sheet. Otherwise, Mrs.Eui would kill me.

As soon as I reached the room, the door was slightly ajar. Before I could've opened it further, I heard familiar voices that tickled my ear.

"If you only didn't think of yourself as a supreme god, you would've been able to ask Minkyung ages ago."

"Your dad is so harsh on you Jin. You wouldn't have been like this if it wasn't for him."

"Hoseok shhh. What if someone hears?"

You wouldn't have been like this if it wasn't for him? Who's him? His father? Thoughts started accumulating my mind.

"Yeji?" I heard a familiar voice but I couldn't put my finger on who it was.


"Did you hear that?" Someone from the room...possibly Namjoon said.

"Yeji- uhm, I wanted to."

"Aishhh." I didn't want them to think I was eavesdropping on their conversation, so instead I took Minhyun by the hand and moved him near the lockers and hugged him so his back would face the door.

Just like that without any thought.

"Yeji, why-?" Minhyun began but I stopped him from continuing.

"Just stay like this for a few minutes." I whispered to him.

I peeked over Minhyun's shoulder as I saw Yoongi open the door first. "It's no one but them."

I could see Jin glance my way as we made eye contact with each other for one second.

"Hoseok next time don't talk about it in public." Jin warned the younger one.

"Ok ok. My mistake sorry." He answered in English.

- - -

"Are they gone?" I released my grasp from Minhyun slowly.

"Y-yea." He looked behind him to see that Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok were no where to be seen.

I exhaled in relief. "Thanks."

"You're welcome...I think." He ruffled the back of his hair awkwardly. "Anyways-"

All of a sudden the bell rung indicating that the next class was starting.

"Ahh!" It occurred to me that I had to get my music sheet. "Uhm, I'm really sorry Minhyun, but I have to get my music sheet. I'll definitely talk to you soon though."

"I'll see you soon then." He waved. I quickly ran to the music room.

- - -

As I grabbed my music sheet that was placed right in front of the piano stand, I thought back to what they were talking about.

Jin has a condition?

Even though I disliked being nosy and getting into others business, it really made me curious.

Kim Seokjin was a wealthy student yet there wasn't any time he showed any faults or weaknesses. Handsome yet mysterious was the aura he always generated in front of people.

A perfect role model, as others would say.

Yeji herself knew all the students, well not exactly personally, but she was able to read a person.

Jin was the only one who she never understood in her years of college. All of a sudden he seemed new to her.

Almost different...

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