xiv. warmth of one

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"Wow your chest is hard isn't it. You definitely exercise so well." I removed my head trying to make the situation less awkward, but that probably didn't happen either.

There was a slight pause until I physically saw Jin's eyes expand widely.

"SEXUAL HARRASSMENT! SOMEONE- MMFFFFUUU!" I quickly covered Seokjin's mouth with my hand.

"What are you talking about!?" I whispered. "Hehe, it's nothing. He's joking. He does it a lot." I laughed as I explained to the people close to me.

"How dare you land your body near mine. The unholiness!" Jin dusted the place where my head 'imprinted' his chest as he immediately walked away as quickly as he could.

"He's so damn weird." I couldn't help but shake my head. He wasn't the type to be predictable. After snapping out of thought, I began to chase after him. It's not like I could let him out of my sight. If I really thought about it, the world seemed too dangerous for him.

I finally stopped to a sitting area where Jin continued sipping on his drink. "It's so hot outside." I could see sweat droplets collect from the side of his cheek. I got a piece of unused tissue and dabbed it on his cheek.

Jin looked in surprise as the soft tissue made contact with his skin. He took the tissue into his own hands, "I'll do it myself."

"Huh? Okay." I didn't protest. I sat there awkwardly stirring my drink as I didn't know how to start a conversation between the two of us.

"So...have you talked to Minkyung?" I tried bringing up something.

"Not really. She says she's always busy with after school projects." Seokjin sighed as his relationship with Minkyung didn't progress at all. He was hoping by the time the lessons were over he'd get more confidence over himself.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you end up with her." I smiled.

"What if it doesn't work?" He looked up, his eyes hardened in seriousness.

"If it doesn't work, you can-" I tried to think of something. "Oh! You can make me go jobless or anything like that."

Seokjin stifled a laugh. "You say that so easily and with a lot of confidence."

"Well duh, I've never tried this before, but whatever I try ends up to he perfect."

"Sure sure." He nodded not really believing it. "We've got to work on our project too. Let's eat dinner and then get started on it."

"Alright." I agreed. Plus not finishing the project would have bothered me. We only had a few days left.

- - -

"Why'd we stop at a grocery store?" I saw a familiar place my family went to.

"Did you think I was going to spend money on a restaurant when I myself can cook a five star dinner." Jin scoffed.

"Sure, it's your life." I placed my arms up.

"Anyways, anything specific you want to eat?" He questioned as he grabbed a shopping cart.

"Kimbap?" I remembered how I wanted to eat that two days ago.

"Really?" He looked at me weirdly.

"No...?" I chuckled nervously.

He sighed in response. "You know maybe I'll pick the food and you'll just eat it." He proceeded to get some olive oil.

"That's also fine, I'm not a picky person." I eyed all sorts of foods which made me very hungry. I hadn't eaten anything but cotton candy and some sweet flavored drink.

"When did you learn how to cook?" I thought coming up with another conversation would make this shopping trip a little less stiffening.

"My mid-teenage years? I used my mom's cookbook and recreated the recipes." Jin got a packet of seaweed from the shelf.

"That's a lot of dedication." I couldn't help but see a second side to him. He surprised me everyday, whether it was being weird or just sentimental.

"Dedication is an overstatement. I was hungry and no one was there for me. I had no choice. It took many burnt and undercooked trials before I perfected my cooking."

"But you have someone now." I tried finding a more positive outlook.

"I do?" He questioned, his mind now on what type of vegetables he should get.

"Well there's your friends, soon Minkyung, and me." I smiled and Seokjin looked at me deeply concentrated at my eyes.

Jin on the other hand had never heard anyone tell him that someone was there for him. Especially in that sense of reassuring warmth. His friends did care, but he couldn't depend on his friends like he wanted to. Being soft as such, it made him uncomfortable. Somehow he couldn't help but smile at her words.

The moment was great too but it was interrupted by a familiar voice calling Yeji's name. Her face turned stone cold as she turned around to know who spoke the words.

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