xi. intro to dating

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"I'm not too late am I?" Yeji awkwardly twirled her hair back as she sat down in front of Minhyun.

"No not at all. I just came a few minutes ago." (Which was completely a lie, but even so...) Minhyun was in awe when he saw how pretty Yeji looked in a dress. It completely contrasted her look she normally wore at school.

"You look pretty." Minhyun smiled.

"So do you. Erm...I mean handsome." Yeji nervously shifted in her seat. It was the first time she ever actually met a guy. It definitely wasn't for the purpose for so called dating.

"So, is there anything you want to order?" Minhyun turned his head towards the screen of drinks and food.

"I'm fine with a caramel macchiato with whipped cream." Yeji replied.

"Alright then, I'll be right back."

As Yeji saw Minhyun make his way to the counter, she sighed in relief. Yeji this is not how you planned this to be. Why is your ass so awkward?! She mentally facepalmed herself.

Soon she got a text message from Jin.

Cringy Jerk
You look awkward...oof.

Me awkward?! She turn her head towards to window to see Jin's car parked just a few feet away from the shop.

Love Teacher
Istg- I can't even say anything
because you helped me today.

Jin chuckled as he saw her face change. Soon, a call came and his face became rigid.


"Seokjin did you delete my number that quickly? I'm hurt." Woosun laughed at the other end.

Jin stayed silent as some part of him was scared to answer.

"Anyways, my point of calling was to say, bring that pretty girlfriend of yours to the party next week. I would love to see her come."

"She's not my girlfriend, just a friend." Jin clenched the phone tightly in his palms.

"You wouldn't buy clothes for just a friend. Either ways, bring her. I already told dad you were bringing a date. You don't want to disappoint him, do you?" With that he hung up.

In anger he threw the phone in the passenger seat with rage. "He should've just stayed in America!"

As Yeji was patiently waiting for Minhyun, she looked to see Jin's car gone. "Huh where did he go?"

She looked at her phone and saw two unread messages from Jin.

Cringy Jerk
I have to go somewhere for
business. Enjoy your date
while it lasts, don't come over
to my house. I won't be there.
Also, don't humiliate yourself. :p

"Here's your coffee and I bought you a chocolate lava cake just in case." Minhyun set the food down.

"The cake wasn't necessary, but thanks." Yeji set her phone down as she took a sip of the coffee.

"I really don't know how this couple stuff works, I feel like I talk better through text." Minhyun felt slightly embarrassed with his lack of dating.

"That's ok, I feel the same way. I'm kind of surprised since you're really popular among female students."

"Would you be surprised if I was surprised too?" Minhyun smiled.

"Not really." Yeji felt more relaxed with talking to him.

- - -

After hearing the news from Woosun, Seokjin's dad had called him to his office.

As Jin knocked on the door and entered his office, to his surprise he saw Woosun sitting down.

"Seokjin, Woosun told me about your girlfriend." His dad got up from his brand name leather chair. "Why didn't you tell me earlier, if I had known I would've told this idiot to find a girl to show at the party."

"That's alright father, I just came back from the states. Let me breath first." Woosun was amused with the sight of seeing Jin humiliating himself.

"Is she rich? Which family is she from?" His father took on a different personality, as though he was bipolar.

"Oh come on dad, where's the excitement if he tells you now." Woosun's eyes changed to a much darker look which contrasted to his so shown smile.

"You're right, make sure to bring her at the party. Don't disappoint me like you always do." He patted Seokjin on the back which caused him to flinch.

He knew that Woosun was up to something, but he couldn't figure out what.

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