x. encounter with an enemy

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"Welcome to what I call a department store." Jin made a dramatic entrance as the automatic doors opened. "Sponsored by yours truly."

"YOU OWN THIS DEPARTMENT STORE!?" I gasped loudly, my voice slightly echoed. I quickly covered my mouth hoping no one actually heard it.

"The one and only Kim Seokjin isn't poor, I don't speak broke." He huffed out.

"Suree..." I nodded wanting to smack him in the face, but the store seemed too aesthetically pleasing to resist.

With a snap of his fingers, two female and one male employees ran to him.

"Director." They bowed.

"No need for formalities today, I need you three to help my friend get ready for her date. She should look...more classy than she currently is."

The three employees turned to me as they scanned me with their eyes. The two female employees then took me by the arm and told me to follow after them.

"Wait are you sure? I don't have to pay a millions dollars to you and then feel indebt?" The thought suddenly occured to me.

"You know that actually sound like a great idea!" His eyes lit up and his eyes showed mischeviousness.


"Quickly fix her, she has limited time." Jin just shoo'ed me away with a wave of his hand.

- - -

Before I knew it, I was taken to the ladies section and all I saw where fancy brand name clothes.

"Pick which ever dress you want." Jin herded behind me as I was looking at the expensive pricing.

"Uh...these...are very expensive." I saw prince ranges from a thousand dollars and higher.

"I'm buying, why are you so worried sheesh. You know what take this." He handed me a black dress adorned with pink flowers. "Go wear this and I'll find some other accessories." He pushed me inside the fitting room.

" He pushed me inside the fitting room

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- - -

As Jin was waiting, a figure started walking towards him. "Jin?"

He turned around, his eyes filled with shock but he couldn't make it obvious...at least to the person he was in front of. "W-woosun?"

"Are you that surprised to see me?" He chuckled. "Did you think I was going to stay in America all this time?" He put his hand on Jin's shoulder, yet he seemed to find his presense disturbing.

In that time Yeji had finished wearing her dress. She came out to see Woosun looking at her amusingly.

"And who's this?" He inched closer to Yeji as he placed his cold hand near her face as he grazed it gently.

"Don't touch her!" Jin swatted his hand.

"Awe is Jin protective over his girlfriend. I thought with your disorder you would've stayed single for the rest of your life." Woosun coo'ed.

Although Jin wanted to protest, he knew he couldn't go up against Woosun. His traits were too close to his father.

"Yeji put on the shoes and let's go." Jin lowered the tone of his voice as he grabbed her wrist.

- - -

"Who was that?" I felt disgusted by that man's touch.

"My older brother who I haven't seen since I was 10." Jin suddenly felt weak.

"Jin! Are you ok?" I held onto his arm as he stumbled.

"I'm fine..."

"If it's too much to handle, I can take a bus." I suggested.

"No, a promise is a promise. Plus after your date, we have to continue our lesson. I'll wait and drive you back to my house." He smiled weakly.

"Ok..." I felt the contrary but agreed anyways. That person that I had encountered wasn't on good terms with Jin.

It's always the reason that still unclear like fog.

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