ix. that annoying friend

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The next day, Yeji was deep into thoughts. It was the weekend so she decided to lay down in bed. The things she did with Jin suddenly made her feel embarrassed.

"Where the heck did I think of these stuff? I want to bury myself in a hole and never come out!" I started flailing my legs in the air. "I'm actually really cringy ew." I shot up from my bed.

I quickly picked up my phone and started texting Hyesun.

How did you fall in
love with Daniel?

What? Why you ask?

Research purposes

Bitch don't lie to me. This
is about Minhyun isn't it.

No...it's actually for
real research purposes...

I looked at my phone wanting to facepalm. Of course she thinks it's about Minhyun. But what she doesn't know is...jIN.

I don't believe you, but I
guess it was true love. Ayeee!


That's smt to find out
yourself. Just trust your
instincts. They lead well. ;D


Oof well I guess I can't help?
I gtg, my parents are raging
over my brother. I'll ttyl!

I looked at her last message sighing. "Well that didn't work at all." I plopped myself back on my bed.

"What else am I supposed to do? What if Minkyung doesn't actually fall in love with him? What if Jin actually makes me unemployed?!" My stress levels increased.

Suddenly the ping of my phone shocked me. If this is Hyesun...

I looked towards the phone ID to see a different one. Psycho Bastard

Oof I should change that. I bit my lip. I changed it to Cringy Jerk.

I unlocked my phone to see a cheesy pickup line.

Cringy Jerk
Are you wifi?

Love Teacher
Last time I checked, no.

Cringy Jerk

Love Teacher

Love Teacher
You are rlly enjoying
this aren't you?

Cringy Jerk
Why would I not?
Wait, I'm going to
call you. I'm too lazy
to type.

"What?" Before I could even continue, I saw him calling me. I had no choice but to answer.

"Hello?" I replied.

"What hello, you already know who I am." Jin scoffed.

"It's just a greeting goshhh."

"You said it questioningly." He replied.

"Anyways!" I tried redirecting the conversation. "Why did you call?"

"I was bored." He answered blandly.

"You were b-bored?! Am I your source of entertainment?" I explained.

"Well, kind of. I always talk to my friends and you're the next person I knew. Don't hang up, I'm all alone at home, I need company."

"Aren't you at home alone anyways?" I felt too tired to argue against him.

"Yea but my security cameras don't work and if anyone breaks in. I could die!" His voice pitch increased.

"Your house has gates." I stated in a matter of fact voice.

"People can climb up them."

"You know what. Stay put and I'll come. I'll prove to you no one will come and attack your scared ass."

"YAAAA DID YOU CALL ME A SCARED ASS! YOU-" Before he could say anymore, I hung up giving up on his antics.

I quickly put on sweatpants and a hoodie and decided to go to his house, before I smack him in the face for being a coward.

- - -

"Open the door you ass." I dialed Jin's number again once I was just in front of his gate.

"I SAID I WASN'T AN ASS!" I heard him screeching to the point where I might go deaf.

"Ok Seokjin, open the door." I repeated a bit nicely this time. With that command, I heard the unlocking of the door as I let myself in.

"How are you such a scaredy cat?" To my surprise, Jin was holding a pillow as he sat comfortably in his couch. He looks all warm and cozy for someone who was freaking about a break in.

"You look comfortable." I plopped in the seat besides him.

"I didn't say you could make yourself feel at home." His mouth gaped open as I took some popcorn from the bowl.


"Thanks!" I smiled.

"I'd rather wish that Minhyun dude  kept you busy rather than this house raid." Jin looked at me with a disgusted face.

"You asked for me." I shrugged. "Wait...Minhyun? Oh shoot. I just realized I have a 'date' with him in 30 minutes."

"Damn how do you forget about that." He continued to snack on his food.

"I swear to fucking God I will turn you into a pancake." I raged. If he was honestly my friend, he would've seen Jesus.

"I can turn you broke." He winked.

"I-" I looked at him. "Don't." I pointed at him as a warning. "But honestly I don't know what to do. I've never been on a date and I have nothing to wear. I am broke and ugly."

"You know what. I'm only doing this because I feel like I owe you. Follow me peasant." Jin got up dusting his hands.

"I am going to turn you worthy for your date."

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