iii . flowers and chocolate

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"I can't believe this child was late to class." Hyesun shook her head.

"Well it's not my fault that I left my music sheet in the music room." I frowned.

"Oh really..." Hyesun gave me a questionable look.

"Okokok. Sheesh. It was totally, a 100% my fault. Happy?" I scrunched up my face in displeasure.

"Yes, good girl." She patted my head as if I was a puppy. "You must admit to your mistakes to not do it again in the future."

"What are you? Confucius? Buddha?" I flapped my eyelids.

"HYESUN!" A voice yelled out to what seemingly was a couple of meters away.

"Kang Daniel, why are you late?" She looked at her boyfriend who kept panting uncontrollably.

"I...teacher...Minhyun..." He breathed out every word like he sprinted in a 100 meter race.

"Yooo breathe."

"Yeji, you met Minhyun already?" Daniel inhaled deeply.

"Hm? Oh yea. I did why?" Not sure what Minhyun had to do with any of this. "I must've put him in an awk-"

"He said he agreed to the date."

"Huh what?" My eyes widened.

"Oh my goshhhhh, our dear Yeji has hit jackpot! Ahhhh, I can't imagine you being lovey dovey with a man." Hyesun somewhat cringed but felt happy for her friend.

"H-he agreed?!" I was still in shock, and my brain wasn't fully comprehending what I heard.

All of a sudden, there was a loud commotion that could be hear a short distance in front of them.

"I wonder what's going on." Hyesun, as interesting she was, took me and Daniel to see what was happening.

Among the chatter of the students there were two people that came familiar to my eyes. Seokjin and Minkyung.

Right before her eyes, she saw him with a bouquet of flowers and a small  chocolate box in the other hand.

"Is he asking her on a date because in my perspective it's like he's giving her a proposal." Daniel shook his head.

"Or he's just extra." Hyesun slightly squealed.

"It really does seem like a proposal though." I agreed with Daniel.

- - -

"Will you date me?" Seokjin held the bouquet of pink and white flowers and a box of chocolates.

Minkyung who was shocked at the sight wasn't sure how to answer. "Uh-"

The crowd around her had cheered her to answer yes, yet she was very flustered by the sudden action.

"I'll...answer when the month is over." She thought of a great excuse, enough to put off the current offer until later. Minkyung humbly took the flowers and chocolate.

"She took the flowers and chocolate, wouldn't she have accepted what Jin said anyways." Hyesun furrowed an eyebrow confused.

"It's a tad bit weird." I agreed.

"By the way, Hyesun and I are going to the movies so we'll see you later." Daniel waved to his friend.

"Yes, yes, go enjoy your date." I shoo'ed both the two away.

"Ugh they make me want to love someone too." I mumbled under my breath. The crowd that circled around the "couple" also disappeared.

As I turned to go back inside the school to go to the library, Jin stood in front of me.

"Oh my God, you scared me!" I was taken aback and tried to swerve him. Instead he stood in my way once again.

"Follow me." He yanked my hand as he made me follow him somewhere. His grip was surprisingly strong.

"Where are you takin-" I was mad that he could've just said something instead of being so aggressive.

Jin came to a stop in a hallway that had no people around, which caused me to wonder what he wanted to talk about.

"Lee Yeji, I saw you earlier today eavesdropping. What did you hear?" His eyes turned dark in anger.

"Huh-" Then the situation occured to me.

"Stop acting, you weren't being intimate with Minhyun. Tell me what you heard now!"

"I-I didn't hear anything in detail. I just heard the word father that's all." I didn't dare look at Jin in the eyes, and it was the first time I've seen him this mad.

"Is that it." His voice slightly changed in tone.

"Yes." I nodded.

There was a one minute silence. "Lee Yeji, you want to know more don't you."

"Know more?"

"In return of knowing more about me and keeping it a secret, help me make Joo Minkyung like me more."

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