xxiii. aligned with the stars

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"So are you dating Jin now or is this currently undetermined?" Hyesun whispered to Yeji as the two were out of class for the umpteenth time.

"Currently undetermined, but I kind of want to ask him out first. If he's the one who said he loved me, it's the most I could do." I whispered back making sure no one else heard. I didn't want to make our relationship public yet.

"Well then you go do that. I'll have to explain to Daniel how his friend isn't dating you anymore." Hyesun sighed.

"It won't be a bother to you right?" I looked at her worryingly.

"Nah he should be able to understand. I'm all in for vouching for you." My friend smiled. "Also, during summer break which is in a few weeks...we could have a double date. How about that?"

"We'll see." My lips curved as soon as I saw Jin waiting outside of his car. As our eyes met, he waved awkwardly.

"Did you actually wait for me or am I misunderstanding this situation?" I questioned making sure I wasn't getting ahead of myself.

"No, I was waiting for you." Jin stroked my hair which caused me to question his 'strange' behavior.

"I didn't know you could stroke a girl's hair." I mocked his non-dating skills.

"Ha ha." Jin shook his head. "Get in the car. I have something planned for the both of us."


"It's a secret I'll keep until the end of this date." Jin opened his car door and sat down.

"Date?" My ears perked up hearing that word as I also got in his car. "Are we already dating that soon?"

Jin immediately got embarrased after realizing what he said. "I-I mean-"

"It's okay. I mean I thought I would've asked you out for a date first. Looks like I lost to you in saying it." I pouted.

"I mean we've kind of unofficially dated." Jin remembered all the 'dates' they had.

"Stop. Now that I think about the idea. It's so embarrassing." I felt my checks burn. "Why did you even ask me for that favor?"

"I wasn't going to admit this, but I think it was a fun experience. I figured that you're a romantic person based on all the unofficial dates we been to." Seokjin continued.

"Should I be excited? I mean I used to have fantasies about my dates with my future boyfriend." I thought about the high school version of me being a hopeless romantic.

"You'll love this surprise then." Jin was actually very excited to see Yeji's expression when she saw what he planned for the day.

"We're here."

"But...this is your house?" I was surprised to confront his house since I knew his place by heart now.

"I planned a picnic in my backyard. It's pretty quiet. And- Oh...are you disappointed?" He looked at the unreadable expression on my face.

"I mean a little, but it's better than spending money on something expensive." I got out of the car and smiled. It's not like I hoped for a lot anyways."

"Wait that actually hurts me a little." Jin opened the gate to his door before stopping me. "Stay here." He told me to sit down on the outdoor chair he had in front of his house.

"Hm? Here?" I was surprised for a split second.

I suddenly felt a soft brush against my cheek. "I'll be done as soon as I can."

After a while of waiting and admiring the beauty of Seokjin's front yard, I was met with a pair of hands covering my eyes.

"Is this part of the surprise?" I placed my hand on his.

"Yep, stand up."

"You do have to kind of help me. I can't walk on my own. I don't know my way around your house." I nearly tripped on the leg of the chair.

"Well you better start, you're going to live here in the future." Jin chuckled.

"Wha-" Before I could say more, he shushed me before letting me walk a couple of more steps.

"Okay open." My eyes opened to see a blanket laid on the nicely cut grass, set up cups and plates, and a picnic basket. I was in awe at the sight in front of me. "Wow, it...looks beyond pretty." I turned to Jin as he hid excitement from his face.

"See I knew you would love it." When he said that, I gave him a slight push on the arm.

- - -

It wasn't long before the the sun was nearly setting. The sky was painted with a splash of pink, yellow, and orange. After eating, Jin laid on my lap as we watched the sunset.

"What if I hadn't asked you to do that favor for me?" Seokjin replied through closed eyes.

"Maybe we wouldn't know each other at all. Maybe something else would've caused us to be together." I pondered as I brushed some of the hair from his forehead and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"What was that for?" He opened one eye.

"Just." I shrugged.

"I've been thinking, and I realized how I never properly apologized for that night. I was rash for pushing you away." Jin apologized from the bottom of his heart.

"I told you to forget about that. I forgive you. I mean I did agree for your happiness."

"You are my happiness." He cut in. "Because of you I've felt emotions that I never got to experience with my family. You're the only one I need. No one can go beyond what you've made me feel."

You have shown me how to love.

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