xvii. drunk avoidance

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Minkyung? Here? I slightly got on my toes to see better, and I saw something extremely scandalous. She had come with a tall male. I could see their physical contact of linked arms. Slight skinship from the two.

The only thing that came to my mind was that Jin shouldn't see her. In fact, they shouldn't meet at all.

"Jin-" I tried tilting his body to face me. "Uh...so the thing is." I tried thinking of some reasonable excuse, but nothing came to my mind, only a lame response.

"The wine, uh is it very expensive?" I mentally facepalmed myself. It wasn't the sentence I had in mind.

Woosun laughed. "She's funny. And yes, it's one of the most expensive wine in all of Korea to be exact." He twirled the glass in between his fingers. "Would you like to have a drink?"

"Uhm sure..." I laughed uneasily.

"Do you really want-" Jin seemed concerned over that fact, but I nodded. Before he could say anymore, Jin was stopped by an older male in his seemly late 50s.

"Seokjin is that you?" He smiled warmly.

"Uncle Deokpyo? It's been so long since I last saw you." Seokjin beamed. His eyes were filled with a new light as the two pulled in for a hug.

"Ah, well I guess since Jin's busy talking to his uncle, we can get acquainted?" Woosun handed me a glass of wine from the table. He took another one as well.

"Seokjin has an uncle?" I questioned only taking small sips of the wine. I didn't want to get drunk in front of all these strangers.

"That's our mother's older brother." He commented blandly about it. "But enough about Jin, I wanted to ask you a question. Are you and Jin really dating?"

"No. I'm still confused why you assumed that the other day as well." From talking the two of us had entered a bar that was located near the farthest part of the building.

"Jin has never done such things for a girl, especially when he cares about himself more than others." Woosun pulled a stool from the high leveled counter top.

I sat down just pondering more about Jin's mysterious personality. Except I wasn't given answers, it was more like puzzle pieces I had to connect together. If Jin didn't do that for any other girl, does he like me? Is he just being nice? Did I fall for him?

My mind flash backed to all the moments we shared together. There was more things I did with Jin than I did with any other man.

"Are you just a toy then?" His words brought me back to reality.

"Huh?" My eyes made a hardened yet nervous contact with his.

"I'm not stupid. I see you going to Seokjin's house a lot because he wants you to teach him how to love? That girl?" Woosun scoffed as he took his fourth shot of alcohol. I looked to see 'that girl's was Minkyung and her boyfriend.

Suddenly I froze. How did he find out? Does this mean he knows my lies are...lies...?

"Don't look so scared sweetie." His hands reached for mine sitting on the counter. "I have a deal, work for me. I'll make you my queen. You'll be rich within a day. No...a few hours. A pretty woman like you needs much more than someone pathetic like my brother." He smirked.

"I-I think you're drunk. I'll tell someone-" I found myself very uncomfortable in his presence. Being drunk didn't help my perspective of him. I was glad I was able to get away from there.

As I made my way out, a hand took a hold of my arm and pulled it with a hard yank. My body had collided with Woosun's. "Where are you going?" His voice slurred seductively. He forcefully backed me up against the wall.

"Yeji, don't think you're so smart." He bent forward as his words reached my ears. A cold chill went up my spine. His lips made it's way to my neck. I tried fighting away but his build was much bigger than my own.

"Get the hell away from her!" I felt Woosun's weight being lifted from my own. I saw Jin land a hard punch against his brother's face. With that one blow he had fallen down unconscious.

"Come on let's go." Seokjin grabbed my arm as we made our way through the crowd.

"Seokjin where- Seokjin! Come back here!" His fathered yelled after him, but he ignored his requests.

All I felt was a sense that I had messed up. As soon as the two of us made it outside, he let go of my hand.

"What were you thinking?!" Jin raised his voice.

"I-" I tried finding an explanation, but nothing could give anything that happened a reasoning.

"I told you to avoid Woosun, but you went right to him!"

"I didn't mean to...I saw Minkyung with another man and I didn't want you to-" I quickly covered my mouth with my hands as I tried to frantically explain myself.

"You saw who?" Seokjin repeated in a stern voice.

"Jaehyuk! Don't go!" A tall male with dark hair physically cut between our conversation along with the voice of a female.

I turned to see a emotionally struck Minkyung crying. "J-jin? Y-yeji? Why are you two here?" I looked at Jin and saw him feeling sympathy for Minkyung.

"Yeji...just go tonight. I called a taxi. You can pick up your clothes from my house tomorrow." Jin coldly replied as he walked up the stairs towards Minkyung. I saw her hug Jin and he returned the hug back.

When I saw the little 'reunion', something inside my heart fell. It was like I felt betrayed.

Yet, it wasn't like I didn't expect this. Even so, Jin was supposed to end up with Minkyung from the beginning. I was nobody to start.

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