vi. imagination runs wild

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"LEE YEJI I WILL KILL YOU!" Seokjin came up to me with a knife, an angry Minkyung was right next to him.

"Wait what did I do?" I started backing away very slowly. I've never seen Jin so mad that it scared me.

"Did you already forget? I told you to keep whatever we were doing a secret. Minkyung knows and now guess what. You will pay for this you ugly bitch.

I could see him inch towards me, but suddenly I couldn't move.

- - -

"AHHH!" My eyes opened wide as my voice came out as a hoarse yell. I had fallen to the floor from the shock.

"I'm not dead am I?" I looked at my abdomen. "Oh thank namjesus I'm alive." I sighed in relief.

But wait where was I?

I forgot all about my trip to Jin's house and the fact that my short nap evidently seemed like a long one.

I checked my phone. 6:23 P.M.

I gasped. "I'VE BEEN ASLEEP THAT LONG!?" I covered my mouth thinking Jin would hear.

Where was he though?

I got up to hear a noise of water. "If he's showering...I can escape without him knowing right?" I nodded at my plan and I decided to make a run for it.

The moment I turned the door knob and opened the door, Jin appeared right in front of me wearing a bathrobe and holding a glass of wine.

I yelped back in shock.

"So I guess you finally woke up." He replied.

"I guess I did." I laughed with pauses.

"By the way, you're just going to leave my before non-wrinkled bed like that?" Jin pointed to the bed which showed as though someone slept in it.

I almost panicked as I went to smoothen out the fabric. "Sorry, I didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Well I almost gave you a heart attack, so I guess it's a form of repayment. In the future, I advise you not to touch any of the things in my house unless I tell you so." He took a sip of his red wine.

"I'll remember that." I put my head down in shame. Out of all the days to act like an ass, it had to be my first impression. I mentally cursed myself out.

"Since it's getting late do you want me to drive you home?" Seokjin offered yet I declined. I didn't want to bother him anyways.

"Are you sure? It's hard to get around this neighborhood if you don't know your way." He looked at me skeptically.

"Don't worry about me." I laughed as I tried to exit. "I'll see you tomorrow." I bowed as I made a quick run like walk. "Great going Yeji." I facepalmed.

As Jin saw her leave his house, he shook his head. "That woman will never find her way out of this place."

- - -

Yeji looked at the sky that had already gotten dark. There was no sign of any moving life on the streets, maybe one or two cars that was getting home.

"This whole place makes me feel so small." I eyed the expensive houses that walled the sides. The windy breeze made me cower more in fear.

"Am I even going in the right place?" Maybe I should've said yes when he asked me if I wanted a ride home.

An abrupt sound had broken my thoughts and a car was behind me shining its light in my direction.

"Ya! Get in!" Jin put the car window down on his side.

Without any thought to it, I got inside his car. Even if I did disagree, there would've been a back and forth argument that I had no desire to go through.

"I told you that you couldn't find your way around here." Jin stated in a matter-of-fact voice.

My ears burned from the embarrassment. "If it was only brighter outside..." I brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Mhm, keep thinking that. By the way, where do you live? I'll drop you o-"

"Actually just drop me off at the bus station that's near here on the main highway." I replied not wanting to hassle Jin anymore with my problems. I already wanted to bury myself in a hole and stay there.

"If a man like me with these amazing looks personally gives you a ride home. You should take it." He brought his hand to his face as if he was showing off a piece of artwork.

"Do you have some narcissist disorder or something? Were you traumatized when you were younger?" I rolled my eyes not really putting my words into account.

Once Jin stopped at a red light, he turned my way giving me a very serious look that almost scared me.

"Was...I right about that..." I slowly said my words. What if Jin was waiting to kill me. I was in a killing machine.

Damnit Yeji all you do is screw up.

"You'll find out tomorrow." He pressed his foot on the accelerator due to the green light.

After a bit of an awkward silence, I looked out the window observing the beautiful star painted sky. "You know, if you don't want to tell me about your past, it's ok. At first, I was curious because you seemed so perfect. It's your choice to make, and I'll still help Minkyung like you regardless.


Hearing those words coming out of Yeji's mouth, the word of reassurance made me feel different.

What was it?...

My heart felt...


"Don't get your breath on my clean window glass." I reprimanded her.

"Oh oops my bad." She brought her face a couple of centimeters away from the window.

Seokjin you idiot. That's not what you were supposed to say. I mentally cursed myself out.

Why can't I say what I mean to say. Why is it so hard to live in this shell that I can't control.

If only my dad wasn't stupid enough to be a bastard...maybe...maybe his son would've turned out better.

Maybe even loved.

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