xv. brink of truth

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"Yeji is that you?" I heard her voice call out my name as though she wasn't sure it was me. Hyesun was my friend and of course she knew whether or not it was me.

"Hyesun. What are you doing here?" I smiled. I honestly wasn't that ecstatic. She would give me a bunch of questions later. Maybe even worse, find out the truth.

"I'm grocery shopping for my family. Daniel came too." Within one second of his name being called, Daniel came in with a bag of potatoes.

"I should say the same to you. Why are you grocery shopping with him?" Hyesun had a bit of distastefulness for Seokjin although I had no idea why. She was pretty fine with him earlier.

"We were working on our project, but I realized I had no food to offer her. I told her I'd go grocery shopping myself, but she wanted to tag along." Seokjin spoke instead of me. For a minute their his response surprised me.

"Oh..." Hyesun took a second to process that information. "Well I don't want to waste your time. I'll text you later Yeji! Good luck with your project." She walked away with a smile as Daniel pushed the cart.

"Whew that was a close one." I mumbled under my breath.

"You're lucky to have a handsome man save you." Jin remarked as we went to the cash register to pay for the items bought.

"Sure, sure." I sighed as I shook my head.

- - -

By the time we got to Jin's place, he put on his apron and immediately begun cooking. While he was doing that, I was sitting dumbfounded at the laptop. I wasn't sure at all how to start the project.

All I could think of was my hungry stomach. The gurgles of my stomach screamed for food. Thank God nobody else was there, otherwise I would've buried my head in embarrassment.

Within the pondering, I kept glancing over to him. I couldn't help but realize  how passionate Jin looked while cooking. His broad shoulders, his thinner waist. His proportions looked so perfect.

Wait...what are you thinking? I snapped out of my preposterous thoughts.

After a while of typing and thinking, Jin peered over the corner of the wall calling me over to eat. I couldn't help but feel happy. "Finally time to eat. Yay!"

As soon as I sat down, my eyes looked hungrily at the chicken alfredo pasta. My eyes also caught sight of the kimbap that was decorated beautifully on a seperate plate.

"You actually made kimbap?" I looked at Seokjin who had his head lowered, purposely avoiding my gaze.

Just in the time span, my stomach lurched. A loud growl had broke the silence of a few seconds.

Jin had looked up automatically. Although my head was now lowered, I could tell he was looking at me. I heard a quiet chuckle. "Don't be embarrassed, just eat."

"Ah...okay." My hand went for the kimbap first.

"Does your friend know?" Jin asked as he took a sip of wine, and he poured some for me too.

I stared at the wine as it spilled into my glass.

"No, that's why I've been avoiding you around her. If she finds out, she'll kill me. I also think she finds you suspicious. It really isn't occurring to me why though."

"If I were in her shoes, I guess I would feel the same way. Plus there's a lot of people who don't like me among the people who do. I can't interact with people the way you do." Jin confessed. "Which is also the reason why I told you to help me become a better person for Minkyung."

"I mean, you're a really great person with many great talents. A bonus is that you're a handsome man that can cook. I'll be sure to tell you, you can cook more than I ever could." I smiled as I said what I truly meant.

"Really?" Seokjin felt his heart tense up.

"But sometimes you can be an asshole." I joked and laughed.

"You-" He went for the kimbap to move the plate away from me.

"No, I was kidding. Forgive me." I brought the plate towards me with doe-eyes plastered on my face.

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