xxvi. acceptance

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One month later...

"We finally finished off the second semester. Now we're officially moving onto the next stage of life...college aGAIN! Whooo how exciting." Hyesun remarked as she took a video of her and Daniel with her bouquet.

"Why are you acting like we're graduating. That's embarrassing." Yeji wanted to hide behind a bush as she cringed looking at her friends behavior.

"Don't you dare tell me off after all you've done. The secrets and even Jin!" Hyesun remarked back causing Yeji to be quiet. She knew her friend was absolutely right. After Hyesun had found about what she was really up to, she ended up knocking sense to Yeji for three hours straight.

"What did she do?" Daniel looked questionably at the pair.

"Something unspeakable." Hyesun shook her head as she continued taking photos in reminiscence.

"Looks like today is the last time we see each other everyday for now." Minhyun walked up to the small group. "Yeji it's also been a while since we've talked." His lips curved to an short smile.

"It has." Yeji agreed. "Hopefully you've been doing well?"

"Of course." There was a short period of silence between them before Hyesun interrupted.

"Minhyun! Can you take a picture of the two of us. Please." She pleaded and Minhyun couldn't help but agree to her request.

- - -

"Tell Seokjin we said congrats to him becoming the successor." I heard a voice behind me, and I quickly turned around to see Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

"Don't worry, I will." I replied. The feeling of nervousness came back to me. Today wasn't only their final day of their sophomore year in college. Jin had actually told her that he was going to release a press conference after the company's board meeting.

"He never tells us anything anymore." Hoseok frowned. "All of us found the news through an article release."

"I don't think he meant it in a bad way. I know he's been super busy. We haven't had much time to leisurely talk either." I was actually telling the truth. Seokjin was preparing for this day for the past three weeks. During those three weeks they barely saw each other and didn't meet up for dates and such.

"Well look who's finally here." Yoongi announced as Seokjin walked in with a full suit, tie and everything.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Seokjin nudged my arm.

"It's fine." I whispered in a low voice, trying very hard not to show my excitement.

"I'll have to take her with me now." Jin smiled at his friends.

"Your girlfriend is now more important than yourself and us, huh." Namjoon laughed. "A lot of character development, but I'm glad you found her." He knew his friend well enough that Namjoon was happy Seokjin had someone by his side.

"Me too." He looked warmly towards his girlfriend. "I won't abandon you guys though. Yoongi, don't get your hopes up. I won't leave you alone either." Jin looked at Yoongi who scrunched his nose in response.

"Wait but don't you have a press conference in an hour or something. What are you doing here?" I looked worryingly at my watch.

"Before I say anything about that. I have a surprise for you first." He took me by the hand as we walked towards his car. "Get in." He opened the door to the passenger side.

After the twenty five minute drive, we stopped at a huge building that seemed very familiar to my eyes. "Wait isn't this your building?"

Seokjin couldn't help but feel flustered by hearing the words 'your building.' "No, it is our building." He smiled at me which only gave me confusion. With that he opened the car door to exit out of the car and I did the same.

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