009, the turning point

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                                          The turning point]

                      [Strangers:                                          The turning point]

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Veronica had about 50 messages from Elena asking if she was okay due to the conversation they had last night.

Veronica most definitely not okay. Vampires?! Are you kidding me?! She was completely and utterly freaked.

But she couldn't focus on this. Today career night deserved her undivided attention.

A thing you should learn about Veronica is she loves to plan ahead. Her future job, college etc. That's one major thing she has in common with Caroline.

Veronica walked along the wooden floors of the high school, her heels clapping against them.

She always liked wearing heels, it made her feel taller; more powerful.

She scanned the room for Caroline and came across a sight she's never encountered. Her brother in the art department.

She made her way over to him and bumped her shoulders against his playfully to gain his attention. "Look at you" he smiled.

"Finally found the courage huh?" She asked Tyler. He hummed "but you usually do these thing before I do, when will you have courage for the preforming arts sis?"

"I don't know, but for now I'm sticking to sociology, psychology or fashion." she gave him a tight smile as Jeremy Gilbert approached. "I'll see you at home brother."


"Come on Ronnie!" Caroline exclaimed frustrated. Her arm looped in Veronica's. "You have always loved singing, dancing, acting and all performing stuff!"

Caroline spun Veronica under her arm causing her to giggle "Okay, if I look at Performing Arts then you my dear, have to look at broadcast journalism."

Caroline groaned. "Come on, Care! You have wanted to do this since the 6th grade!"

"My mom will never agree to it" she moaned as she walked side by side with Ronnie.

The wolf turned to face her soon-to-be vampire bestie and held a tight grip around Caroline's arms "It doesn't matter what your mom says okay? This is your future."

Caroline smiled gratefully at her best friend "I love you"

"I love you too" she brought her in for a side hug. "And by the way Care, if I remember clearly, you also liked singing. Plus I always liked fashion more than singing!"

"I will always be your duet partner" Caroline brought her pinkie up for Veronica pinkie swear and she did. "Now go! I can't wait to see my bestie on tv" she wiggles her brows and Caroline chuckled.

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