Chapter 14: I Cant Even

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I tried editing this chapter but their might still be mistakes. Also this chapter is kind of all over the place lol but enjoy :) Dont forget to vote and comment!

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. This was so awkward. I sat on the couch across from parents next to Thanatos. We've been seated like this for seven minutes now and no one has spoken a word. They both just sat there and stared at me. Not creepy at all.

I took a glance around the living room. They haven't changed a thing since I left. "Soooo..."

"Where have you been?" My mom blurted out. I could tell she's been wanting to ask that for a while. "It's been three years Isabel! You didn't think to call us? Or visit us to let us know you're safe?"

"Calm down honey, I'm sure she has her reasons." My dad consulted her before looking at me, waiting for an explanation.

"How dare you? Now you guys care about my existence all of sudden? Did your cruise end early or what?" I yelled, I was livid. Questioning me like I truly owe them an explanation when they would leave me for months without knowing where they went. Only receiving one or two texts a week. I wasn't even eighteen yet!

"Isabel Stewart you will not take that tone with me!" Springing up from the couch she dropped the concern parent act as her anger got the best of her.

I glared at her. "I'll take any tone I damn well please!" I rose from my seat, standing toe to toe with her.

To my utter shock she reached out and slapped me. My head snapped to the side from the force. I could feel my powers tingling from under my skin, wanting to lash out.

Thanatos jumped in then, grabbing a hold of my arm. "I think its best everyone just rests for now, let's go Isabel." He started dragging me towards the stairs, away from them both.

"I expect you to be gone soon Sean?" My dad asked. Who the hell is Sean?

Thanatos turned to face him, still pushing me towards the stairs. "I'll be gone by midnight sir." Sir? Sean? What the hell?

I kicked my bedroom door open causing it to smack against the wall. "I hate this place! I hate them!" I raged. Thanatos softly closed the door behind me.

"I know it sucks but hopefully you won't have to be here long." He took a seat at my desk.

"Won't be here long? I'm stuck here until I find my real parents and kill them. Which by the way won't be an easy task. I could be here for months! Maybe even years." I stopped pacing and flopped down on my bed. I jumped when I heard a bark from under the covers. I pulled the covers back to see a black Labrador puppy, wagging its tail at me.

"And that will be Cerebus." The dog growled at him when he said his name. A smile made its way to my face as I picked him up.

"He's so cute! Not that your normal form isn't cute either." I quickly corrected when he gave me a puppy frown.

"Lucifer transformed him for you," I stiffened at the mention of Lucifer. "Relax he won't be making an appearance anytime soon." I forgave the guy, but I still wasn't ready to face him yet.

"On the contrary brother I'll be arriving sooner than you think," My head whipped to the side as Lucifer appeared in front of my door. But what shocked me most was Cerebus growling at him. "Aww the little guy is in love."

I looked down at him in my arms to see him snapping his mouth at him. Which would have been a lot more intimidating if he wasn't a cute pup.

In a flash Thanatos was standing in front of me. "What are you doing here brother?"

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