Chapter 45

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Warning! There is a rated R scene in this chapter. If you don't wish to read it then scroll pass, I'll make a note when its about to start and when it end.



"Where do you two think you're going?" Dammit, should've known we wouldn't be able to escape pass Draco. We both turned slowly, bags in hand. Draco was standing behind us, a confused look on his face "Why the bags?" The bags carried the necessities we'd need once we made it to earth. My dagger, some water and a few pieces of fruit.

"Uh for a jog?" I wasn't expecting to run into anyone, so I hadn't fully thought of a lie if we were to get caught.

Draco studied us both for several tense minutes. "I'm coming with you both, you're both dressed like you're heading on a suicide mission and not a jog. Wherever you're' going I won't allow you to go unprotected, that's what I'm here for."

I sighed, I wouldn't be able to change Draco mind. Might as well not argue and just let him come before we run into anyone else. "Fine! But we're not waiting for you to pack, lets go." Lucifer snickered next to me, I cut him a glare.

Although my mind was on finding my parents, I couldn't stop thinking about what happens after. Do I stay in Olympus? Even though they welcomed me with open arms for years it still never completely felt like home. I can't live here forever, I'm not a goddess. I want Xavier to grow up around kids his age, not a bunch of older people. And what happens between Lucifer and I? Will we simply co-parent? Would he still want to be with me after all of this?

My thoughts were interrupted as we made it to the portal. "Do you think we'll be able to find them?"

Draco nodded. "I know how to find them."

I stared at him in shock. "What? How?"

"When we came to rescue you, I caught their scent, I can track them."

"You didn't think to bring this up before?" Lucifer questioned.

"Well no one told me you guys were planning to go after them." He pointed out. Touché.

I shook my head. "Never mind that, let's just go." I stepped through the portal expecting them to come behind me. I landed outside of my old house. I wasn't sure were my adoptive parents were, but I guess this is where we're going to be doing or planning. "Do you think they're inside?" I asked the other two as they came through.

"I don't hear anyone, but I think it would be safer to get a hotel." Lucifer commented studying the house.

"I agree." Says Draco.

"There's a motel a few blocks from here." I pointed in the direction and we all started walking.

"This reminds me of so many pass battles." I kicked a rock in my path as Draco spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"You, me and your lover, we have always gone into battle together." I can't believe he's still calling Lucifer my lover.

"Just us three?" I asked him.

"No, there was also your army and Lucifer's. We always led them though."

"I have an army?" I was shocked at this new information.

"Of course you do, I recently raised them from their graves."

I stopped walking. "Wait what? You raised an army? Where are they?"

"They're around, waiting." He shrugged. Wow a whole army for me to command. That's awesome!

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