Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: The 'Not So Enjoyable' Pastimes..


She doesn't have to know..

I don't have to tell her anything..

About how I had to stop working at The Daily's a week ago because I found out that David just bought the place.

Yes! David!

The David Arden!

My nightmare for the past month!

I don't know how he's everywhere, at the perfect moment and time. It would have been a significantly good attribute for a man had it not been him. Now I'm beginning to believe that he's stalking me. No! Stalk is too offensive a word for The David Arden. He's keeping me under his radar!

Yes! That's the English word that's befitting...

And then the other place, 'Reighton Consultants' where I got hired and then, fired myself within the range of TWO DAYS because I found out David was a strong shareholder in the firm. They probably think I'm insane for quitting out on the job just on the second day for a lame reason as, 'my mother is down with cancer and I have to take care of her now. I'm so sorry, goodbye'.

It would have been believable if I hadn't filled in the words 'deceased' on the parents column of the employee form.

Dumb right? I know..

God! I'm such a fool. I'm probably going to become the luncheon joke for the rest of the year...


How did I become such a mess?

Anyway, I'm just going to sit back, enjoy this weekend and pretend I'm mighty employed until Monday comes and I have to start looking for a new job that doesn't have David written all over it...


"How's the new job coming up?", the dark-haired girl regarded her best friend sitting opposite from her, noisily slurping up her slurp it up blueberry Slurpee as visible on the menu, and gazing into space.

What?! You think cats can't read?!

*Insert eye roll here*

Her friend paused her noisy slurping for a brief second to shrug indifferently. "It's better than nothing"

Roxy was clearly not satisfied with the response. She continued to probe for more answers.

"Lot of pressure or what? No hot guys? Pay doesn't cut? Bitchy colleagues? Come on! Give me something to swallow. Any new boss we should be wary of this time?"

"None that I know of. Mr. Stephen is both unattractive and long in the tooth", the girl said and then added, "You can try to swallow that... – she gestured at the bowl of triple scoop sundae residing in front of her friend – ...and die! Of brain freeze!"

The sound of cachinnation rumbled out of Roxy's mouth, causing her to almost spew her strawberry sundae on pretty ol' me. Her loud outburst earned a sharp look of disgust from obviously, me and different looks that I didn't bother to decipher from other faces around.

How?! How is it possible for a small female human as such to produce such enormous sound! I wonder.

Anyway, Today, Saturday was a bright and sunny day. It was the kind of bright and sunny day after an intense downpour that almost frightened me to death. We decided to spend it outdoors and try out the new ice cream parlour down the block. And I was invited to tag along too.

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