Official pt.1

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The couple's first ever date night ended successfully, the kiss both lingering in their minds until the next day. Days passed, and before Yoongi and Jimin knew it, two weeks have been crossed off of their calendar.

Jimin was happy to be able to find somebody who shared the same romantic feelings with him. But they haven't really talked about being a real thing with commitment.

None of them were courageous enough to say it first, and so, they both waited for the other to speak up. They were waiting for nothing.

"Bye Chim, I'll get going now!" Yoongi said, rushing out of Jimin's room. As promised, they both had their fair share of beauty sleep inside the apartment's only bedroom. But one thing led to another, and before they even knew it, it became a shared room.

Jimin's cheeks flushed when Yoongi slyly stole a kiss from the younger, a smug grin dancing it's way onto the ravenette's lips. He walked out of the apartment and with one last wink to his roommate, he fled the scene.

"Ugh, I hate him!" Jimin groaned, slapping his cheek lightly as he felt it grow hotter. He didn't want to be played by Yoongi, he didn't want to look like an idiot. He needed a clear answer to whether they were officially boyfriends or not.

He was the type of guy to commit and get into serious relationships, you see.

In a few minutes, he too, left the apartment. He walked to his first part-time job and checked in, greeting his co-worker slash his Jin Hyung's boyfriend, Kim Namjoon.

"What's with the frown, Chim?" Namjoon asked, his tall figure leaning against the counter. The gift shop could almost be mistaken as a ghost town, Jimin and Namjoon being the only people inside.

"N-nothing Hyung, it's just some guy," he dramatically sighed, walking towards his Hyung. He hugged Namjoon tight, the taller male immediately responding to the younger's affection.

Namjoon and Jimin were a close pair, to say the least. Other than the fact that Namjoon takes care of Jimin when he's little, he was also a great person to talk to.

"What did he to you?" the elder asked, looking at Jimin with pure concern in his eyes. He was like a big brother, ready to pounce at anyone who dared to hurt his Jiminie.

Namjoon's question seemed to become a trigger to Jimin. And so, they spent their while shift with Jimin ranting his heart out and Namjoon listening intently.

"I'll be going now Hyung!" Jimin said, raising a hand as he waved his co-worker goodbye. Unlike Jimin, Namjoon was financially stable and only needed one job. The elder was on his way back to his boyfriend and his shared apartment, while the younger was on his way to the convenience store.

"Hold up Chim! I'll bring you to the convenience store," Namjoon offered, grabbing his coat as he followed Jimin. The blond smiled, nodding giddily at the thought of having a companion on his way to work. The gift shop wouldn't be left for too long anyways because the walk was a bit short.

As they were walking to the convenience store, a light bulb sparked in Namjoon's brain.

He abruptly stopped walking to catch Jimin's attention. And he did, earning a 'what's wrong?' look from the man.

"What if we make your boyfriend jealous?" he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at Jimin.

"Hyung! H-he's not my boyfriend," the younger said, cheeks growing hot red at the mention of 'boyfriend'. It became a sensitive topic for the blond.

Yes, he was salty.

"Fine fine! What if we make Yoongay jealous?"

Jimin hit his Hyung on the arm once he heard 'Yoongay'. He laughed a bit, but tried to bite it back down to not look rude for making fun of his caregiver's name.

"What do you mean 'jealous'? How?" Jimin asked, eyebrows knitting together in curiosity. He was indeed interested in the whole 'get Yoongi jealous' plan.

"That's easy. All we have to do is eat at your house and be extra touchy. You bet fifteen bucks that this'll work by the end of tonight," Namjoon grinned, slinging an arm over the younger.

"What? Fifteen? Can't we tone that down to a fi--"

"Nope! Fifteen!" the elder laughed, sticking a tongue out. Jimin sighed, nodding helplessly as he thought of losing fifteen dollars tomorrow.


Uhm okay here's a new update sched bc school is getting really hectic and I have almost nO time for writing.

Updates are every Saturday or Sunday.

I will try my best to follow this schedule after I finish publishing the second half of this chapter. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!


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