Uncle TaeTae!

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“B-but Daddy, no! Don't leave Minnie!” Jimin cried, tugging harshly on Yoongi's sleeve. The man sighed, hugging the little tight as he thrashed.

“Baby, I don't want to leave you either, but I have work. Daddy needs to go to work to pay for our bills, do you understand?” Yoongi asked, soothing the little by rubbing his back.

“B-but Daddy c-can work other days right?” he asked, lips trembling as he tried to persuade his caregiver.

“I'm sorry baby, but Daddy needs to leave; Daddy has a very important meeting to go to. Don't worry, you'll be with your Uncle Tae! Everything will be alright,” Yoongi assured, pulling away from the hug. He looked at his darling, wiping away the tears that were falling from his baby. His mood turned a bit blue for a minute as he saw tear tracks on Jimin's face.

“B-but Minnie not happy Daddy gone. . . .” he sobbed, still pushing the idea of Yoongi not leaving.

Taehyung, an unnoticeable person at the scene, decided to gently hold Jimin's arms and pull him away from Yoongi. Jimin started crying louder, his hold on his caregiver's sleeve turning firmer.

“Minnie, you need to let your Daddy go. I bet the both of us will have fun! Aren't you happy with Uncle Tae?” asked Taehyung, trying to get Jimin to stop his tantrum. Immediately, Jimin got a bit guilty and his movements lessened.

“N-no, Minnie loves Uncle Tae very much!” he answered, his sobs still evident.

Taehyung took Jimin's vulnerability as a chance to grab his waist and engulf him in a warm back hug.

“Then you can spend some time with Uncle TaeTae while Daddy goes out to work. We'll have loads of fun!” Taehyung said, swaying Minnie side to side (A/N: bOooooOy gOt mE wAlking siDe to si--) as he wiped his tear-stained cheeks.

“Lots and lots of fun?” Minnie asked, head tilting to the side as his puffy eyes met with Taehyung's.

“Lots and lots and lots of fun!” Taehyung said in an excited voice, making Jimin giggle slightly.

It didn't take long for Jimin to accept that his Daddy was off to work. Taehyung was there, after all.

Nobody could say no to Taehyung.

Once Jimin and Taehyung were alone, Taehyung smiled widely as he looked at the boy.

“So, what do you want to do Minnie?” Taehyung asked, playfully showering the younger's cheeks with kisses. Minnie giggled, feeling the caretaker's warmth yet again after some time.

Taehyung was there to take care of Jimin, even before little space showered upon them. He was there before Hoseok, after Hoseok, and now, Yoongi.

In short, Taehyung really mattered a lot to Jimin, a lot.

“P-play with Chimmy?” suggested the silver-haired, grabbing onto the yellow stuffed dog.

“. . . while watching Paw Patrol?” Taehyung continued, smiling to himself as he saw a glint in the little's eyes.

“. . . and eating ice cream?”

“You got it, Prince.”

“Yay! Uncle TaeTae is the best!” Minnie cheered, small fists held up high as he rejoiced. Taehyung chuckled, trapping the male in another back hug.

He indeed missed spoiling Minnie.


A tub of ice cream and three episodes of Paw Patrol later, Minnie heard a loud snore emerge from his side. He diverted his eyes from the television and giggled as he saw Taehyung's mouth wide open. The male fell asleep, head tossed backwards as he sat on the couch. Not wanting to disturb his uncle's sleep, he quickly put a hand over his own mouth as he stood up.

He waddled straight towards his bedroom, grabbing a blanket and two soft pillows. Once he got back to the living room, he placed a pillow on the couch and guided Taehyung's body to lie down. The man was a heavy sleeper, much to Minnie's fortune. He placed another soft pillow safely between Taehyung's arms, the caregiver seemingly locking the object inside his arms as soon as he felt it.

After doing so, he placed the blanket on his Uncle TaeTae's frame. He smiled as he saw him peacefully sleeping. He really, really, really missed having playdates alone with Taehyung.

After tucking his uncle to bed, he sat down on his play mat and grabbed his Chimmy. He hugged the dog tightly as he started to listen intently to the characters on the screen.

An hour later, he felt Taehyung stir from his sleep. Minnie didn't mind that, still watching the cartoon show being played on the screen. He didn't mind, really. Not unti——

“Lava! There's lava on the floor!”

Jimin immediately flinched, checking the floor. He pouted, looking at Taehyung.

“Uncle Tae, there's no l—”

“Take a second look! It's there, it's coming near you Minnie!” Taehyung said, now standing on the couch. Minnie linked the pieces together, and as soon as he looked straight ahead, the TV screen became a huge volcano and it's lava was already flowing.

“Lava!” he shrieked, jumping next to Taehyung as the lava came for them.

“We gotta jump on safe land, Minnie. Do you understand?” Taehyung asked, looking for land a.k.a more furniture to jump onto. Minnie understood, looking for more furniture.

“B-but Uncle Tae, only one can jump. . . .” the smart boy trailed off, looking at the abandoned seat next to them.

“Then I guess this is goodbye then,” Taehyung sadly said. Before Minnie could even answer, the caretaker already jumped off the safe land and dramatically tossed himself towards the lava.

“U-uncle!” he shrieked. He had a battle in his head, should he save his Uncle or not?

With a sigh, he jumped and went straight for his temporary caregiver.

“Uncle! Wake up!” he said, shaking the male's body. Minnie was about to cry in remembrance of his great Uncle Taehyung when suddenly, the pink-haired male's eyes fluttered open. He gasped loudly as if he regained consciousness from drowning.

“Minnie, you saved me!” Taehyung said, immediately hugging Jimin tightly. The little laughed loudly, hugging Taehyung back.

The day went great, the next hours filled with shrill laughter and warmth.

Boy, did they miss each other.


Since I haven't updated since November (nOvemBer!!) I will be posting three chapters! This, a Christmas special, and a New Year's special. Expect Big Jimin. (:

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