Fucked Up

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Jimin didn't come home that night.

"A-are you sure you haven't seen him?" Yoongi asked, holding onto his cellphone tightly as he was infiltrated with nervousness and anxiousness all at the same time.

"Nope, didn't see him. What happened anyway?" Taehyung asked over the phone. Yoongi sighed, getting the fifth fail over phone calls that day.

"We just got into a big fight, I guess. . . ." Yoongi answered.

"Oh my, I'll go call him afterwards, then. I'll update you as soon as possible," Taehyung said quickly. That made Yoongi sigh in relief, thanking Taehyung for the help he offered.

They ended the phone call after some time. He groaned, tugging on his hair as he tried to remember the events last night. He thought so hard, but got nothing. He was that wasted.

Bottom line was: he fucked up, big-time.

Yoongi shouted in his hands, feeling the pent-up frustration explode. He grabbed the nearest thing his hands got ahold of and smashed it hard on the marble tiles, the loud sound of shattering of glass enveloping the cold and huge apartment.

He stood up from his seat, fuming mad at himself.

"What the fuck did you do Yoongi? What the fuck did you screw up?" Yoongi asked himself, insanity seeming possible for the male in that moment. He was angry at himself, regret washing over him. He shouldn't have gotten angry when Jimin went home by 8:00 PM, he shouldn't have been jealous when he saw Jimin go inside Daniel's car the day afterwards, he shouldn't have drunken alcohol till he could practically see stars.

No, he shouldn't have.

He went upstairs, sighing as he went inside the bedroom they shared. The house felt lonely without Jimin. There were no constant complaints about soap operas at night, no hugs and cuddling, no stupid Netflix marathons, no anything. The apartment lacked life and color without Jimin by Yoongi's side.

Yoongi closed the door behind him, not bothering to clean up the mess he made downstairs.

He didn't realize, but the shattered object was a picture frame of him and Jimin.


The next day came, and Yoongi thanked the Gods it was the weekend. He didn't have to go to work for the next forty-eight hours and focus on his personal life.

Yoongi wouldn't lie, he hoped Jimin would be there the next morning, all snuggled beside him. But no, he woke up alone.

He sighed, brushing his teeth and washing his face. He went back to his bed, immediately checking his messages and emails afterwards.

Much to Yoongi's luck, a recent message from Taehyung popped up on his notification panel.

From: Taehyung

Yoongi Hyung, good morning!! Good news, I know where he's staying at. But he won't let me give u d address. ://

Yoongi exhaled, not noticing the breath he was holding in. The mere fact that Jimin was safe and unharmed was enough for him to be relieved.

To: Taehyung

What?? Can't u make him tell u?

From: Taehyung

He won't budge hyung )): but he diD tell me about what happened. I want to talk to u about it. u free?

To: Taehyung

Of course! Where do u want to meet?

He and Taehyung continued texting, his childhood friend told him to meet at Jimin's favorite restaurant downtown. Yoongi agreed, coming into an agreement that they'd have lunch there together.

The morning passed by quickly, and before Yoongi knew it, he was seated at a restaurant, a glass of water near his lips as he waited for Taehyung to come. He knew Taehyung well, knew he was always 'fashionably late', so he put the blame on himself when he came right on time.

After ten minutes, Taehyung came inside the restaurant. Once he saw Yoongi, he approached him. The ravenette saw him, and so he stood up to greet Taehyung. They hugged quickly before sitting down, orders taken care of a few moments later.

Once the waitress went away from their table, the two started talking,

Yoongi told Taehyung his side of the story, ranted about the stuff he and Jimin went through. When Yoongi was finished talking, Taehyung cleared his throat.

"You see, Yoongi Hyung, Jimin told me you said something to him when you were drunk," Taehyung started, looking at Yoongi with serious yet cautious eyes. Yoongi rarely saw Taehyung being dead serious, so he was sure something was up.

"You called him a slut."




"Wait, you're kidding right?" Yoongi asked, disbelief in his tone. Taehyung rose a brow, looking at Yoongi and scoffing afterwards.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that, Hyung?"

"N-no, that can't be true. I would never say that to Jimin!"

"But you did, Yoongi Hyung! You called him a slut and pushed him away. That's why he left!"

Yoongi was in shock, not being able to process what the younger was telling him.

He was a monster.

"Oh my God, I fucked up so much," he said, irritated at himself. He was disappointed and horrified at the fact that he was able to tell that to Jimin when he was drunk. He would never tell that to his baby, never.

He felt as if he didn't know himself anymore.

Their talk continued, and they ate quickly afterwards. Taehyung told Yoongi everything he knew; told him Jimin left for some time to think and cool off.

"W-will he be back soon, though?" Yoongi asked, looking at the younger with fear.

"He'll be back. He'll come back to you, just give him time," Taehyung assured him. Yoongi nodded, still unconvinced.

But oh, he hoped. He hoped everything would be alright,

hoped Jimin would come back.


i suck at drama so )):

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