Come Back

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would you guys like it if i posted every other day? i don't want to end up looking annoying or something so yeaaah please let me know your opinions! :))
Yoongi waited patiently, though nervousness never left his body. It was the day after Taehyung called him and claimed that Jimin was ready to talk to him once again. He spent the night overthinking, which was probably a bad decision. He lacked sleep, so he didn't look like he was in his best state.

It had already been thirty minutes when Yoongi decided to order a bottle of wine. He was scared, scared that Jimin would stand him up and all his overthinking was actually correct.

After a few more minutes, the wine was served. Yoongi let out a weak 'thanks' to the waiter as he drank some wine, trying to ease and calm his nerves down.

Thankfully, after a while, he finally saw the bundle of silver hair he was missing dearly. At the entrance of the restaurant was Jimin, in a silk white long-sleeve tucked in tight black pants. He looked wonderful, and Yoongi had to stop his jaw from dropping.

'Keep your cool, dumbass' he said, scolding himself for practically drooling over his boyfriend. Oh, how Yoongi missed Jimin.

Jimin was looking around the restaurant, probably searching for Yoongi. The other seemed to notice Jimin and his roaming eyes, and so, he hesitantly raised his hand up to indicate his location. He was near the corner of the jam-packed restaurant, so Jimin had to look some more before he saw Yoongi's hand.

He was a bundle of nerves, alright. It had been hard on him too, to not live with Yoongi for a week. He felt like a part of him was missing and spent long nights without somebody to hold to. Don't get him wrong, he was thankful for Taehyung and Jungkook for letting him stay, but a part of him so wanted to go back home.

The other part of him disagreed, telling himself to stay composed and to not let things get to his head. Yoongi did something very wrong, stepped on him and talked to him like shit. He had to toughen up, had to make it clear that what Yoongi did was utterly disrespectful and fucked up in so many levels.

Nervously, he made his way towards the table for two Yoongi was sitting at. He had to keep the audible gasp inside of him. Yoongi was dressed up properly, fitting the fancy restaurant he was in with a white button-up tucked in his pants. He also had dress shoes on, but his face was a completely different subject. The male looked like hadn't slept for days, bags deep and dark. Jimin could swear his boyfriend looked slimmer and so unhealthy. He didn't look fine.

And he wasn't. He wasn't fine without Jimin by his side.

"H-hi," Yoongi squeaked, standing up to hug his boyfriend. But he was surprised when the boy simply nodded and sat down.

"What do y-you want to get?" Yoongi asked, a waiter coming to their side to take their orders.

"I'll take whatever he's taking," Jimin said, looking at the waiter with a smile. Truth be told, Jimin was full. He was eating the whole day because he, same as Yoongi, was overthinking.

"We'll get the special," Yoongi said. The waiter nodded and scurried away, leaving the couple alone.

"So . . . how have you been?" the older asked, feeling the awkward tension surfacing and eating them alive.

"I've been doing great. Work's fine and all. What about you?"

"I've been doing great too-" lie.

"-I've just produced a new song for this rookie group and things are going really well, the boss likes it."

"That's good, Yoongi." I'm so proud of you.

"U-uhm, about last week-"

"Let's talk about it after eating," Jimin said, cutting the elder off. Yoongi shut up, nodding quickly. God, he felt so submissive. But it was fine, if he had to follow Jimin's every order for him to go back to their apartment, then he would. He'd listen and follow Jimin like a God.

The food came in afterwards, both silent as they ate. They missed each other so much but decided to keep their traps shut. The males were nervous for their confrontation, so Jimin even asked for dessert.

Alas, the dinner ended. Both were finished with their food, and the time had come for them to discuss about the rather humongous and bothersome elephant in the room.

"Jimin, I-I want to say sorry," Yoongi said, trying to get a hold of the younger's hand. Jimin let him, missing the older's touch too.

"Do you know what you did back there?" Jimin asked, trying his best to put on a strong and brave front.

Yoongi stiffened, breath hitching. That was the problem, he didn't know what happened, only knew it because of Taehyung.

"I don't remember, Jimin. Taehyung told me but I swear I wouldn't say that to y-"

"But you said it anyways, Yoongi. Called me a fucking slut and pushed me away. That doesn't sound nice, doesn't it?" Jimin said, cutting Yoongi off. The hurt and anger that dripped in his tone like acid was frightening. He had never heard his Jimin speak to him with so much disappointment and hatred, and man, did it hurt.

"I swear, I was only drunk and j-jealous. It's all my fault, I made a big deal of things and made them worse than what they really are," Yoongi said, mentally cursing himself when he stammered. He was so nervous, hand shaking as it held onto Jimin's. But he was terrified, so terrified because Jimin wasn't holding his back.

"Jealous? Really, Yoongi? Your excuse is that fucking lame?" Jimin scoffed, irritation bubbling inside him.

"I know, and I'm sorry, I was being stupid, being protective and jealous over nothing. I'm sorry baby," Yoongi said, holding Jimin's hand tighter.

"D-don't you trust me?" Jimin asked, eyes starting to get teary as he hurt. He was surprised at the fact that Yoongi was jealous. He didn't have any reason to be, because he was only for Yoongi and had his eyes only on Yoongi.

"Oh Jimin, it's not like that. I trust you, I really do. I was just caught up in work and my mind was all cluttered, I said things I didn't mean and let irrelevant thoughts get the best of me. I-I'm sorry, I really am. Please come back home baby, I can't stand living there without you. You make that apartment a home," Yoongi pleaded, getting emotional as he looked at Jimin straight in the eye. There was silence, silence that made every second critical for Yoongi. He was scared of Jimin's decision, because he couldn't do it anymore; couldn't live at that apartment without the silver-haired boy by his side. He bought that apartment for Jimin, invested so much time and love for Jimin, worked hard for Jimin. He did everything for the boy, gave his all and received so much back. He couldn't lose Jimin over dumb shit he said, he couldn't afford to let him go. He was too attached. No, he just can't let Jimin go.

"Please, Jimin. I'm losing it. Come back to the apartment, come back to me," he said, a lone tear cascading down his cheek.

Jimin too, felt a tear drop. He had never seen Yoongi cry because of their fights, he had never seen Yoongi that vulnerable. His heart ached at the sight.

He had to,

had to go back to his home.

As his lips quivered, he intertwined his fingers with Yoongi's, vision blurring as he felt more tears coming. He had to let go of the hurt because he wasn't only hurting Yoongi, but also himself. Being apart felt as if his heart wasn't whole, he didn't feel complete without the older and he was positive it was the all the same for Yoongi.

He let out a hiccup before smiling, seeing that Yoongi had started crying harder as well.

"D-Don't cry, please. I will always come back to you."


now, before i leave, ever wondered why the first chapter said that this book held sexual content?👀

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