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"I think silver will suit you," Taehyung said, fingers gliding through his newly-dyed pink hair. Jimin pouted, touching his blonde locks. He hasn't been dyeing his hair for several months, a small amount of black already forming on his roots.

"You think so? What if Yoongi Hyung doesn't like it?" he asked, pouting as he put his arms around the sofa. He was crashing at Taehyung's after a long day of work. Yoongi allowed Jimin to sleep over at Tae's, though he was a bit sad because he'd be all lonely at the apartment.

But of course, Yoongi didn't protest. He didn't want Jimin to feel confided in the apartment and tried his best to give his boyfriend freedom.

"Min, I bet you twenty dollars he'd be begging to pound you senseless the second he sees you with a new hair color," Taehyung said, earning harsh slaps on the arm from both Jungkook and Jimin.

"Babe! That wasn't necessary," Jungkook scolded, giving his boyfriend a smack on the head. Taehyung cursed, rubbing his head before resuming​ to cuddle his partner.

Jimin, on the other hand, was blushing red. He too, wanted to smack his best friend on the head. The three were seated on the couple's family couch, a netflix movie playing while boxes of pizza and beer were sprawled on the coffee table.

"Come on guys! Don't act as if you're both virgins," Taehyung laughed, popping the slice of pineapple from his pizza straight into Jimin's open mouth.

Jimin blushed yet again, the topic of virginity surfacing from it's grave. He wasn't a virgin anymore, Jung Hoseok a witness to that statement, but he wasn't one to talk about the subject openly.

"But wait, are you still Yoongi-dick-virgin, Jimin Hyung?" Jungkook asked, sipping from his can of beer. The blond's eyes widened, immediately biting the sweet pineapple in his mouth.

"Oooh, someone hasn't been fucked by his boyfriend," Taehyung teased, biting on his pizza slice. Jimin pouted, drinking some beer afterwards.

"I-it just hasn't been a topic for us, we're taking things slow," he answered, reaching an unopened bag of cheetos from the floor.

"Y'know, from what I heard, he's got a big dick," Taehyung winked, but later on groaned from the smack he received on the head.

"Don't mind him Jimin Hyung, he's just being an ass hat," Jungkook said, shooting Jimin an apologetic smile. The elder smiled back, trying to focus on the movie again. The night went well for the three, a plan to go to a hair salon set for tomorrow.


"You look hot."

"You're screaming Daddy, you Little!"

"Really?" Jimin asked, looking​ at his phone's camera to view his hairstyle.

The experience was fun and refreshing for Jimin, the only thing that was bothering him was the dent in his wallet.

"Yeah! I'm sure Yoongi Hyung will go crazy for you," Taehyung said, smiling at his best friend. They met up after finishing all their work for the day and went to an open hair salon at seven in the evening. They stayed for two hours, the three men tired from that day's events when they were done.

Once Taehyung and Jungkook successfully escorted Jimin back to his apartment, they went on their way back to the comforts of their home.

Jimin went up the usual flight of stairs, heart beating​ loudly for an unknown reason. His veins were filled with a mixture of nervousness​ and excitement ; he was practically dying to know how Yoongi will react to his drastic change.

He knocked on his house's door, and Yoongi opened it a few seconds later, a pair of headphones resting on his neck.

"Hey Min-- holy fuck," Yoongi cursed, taking in Jimin's new hair color slowly.

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