Punishment Gone Wrong pt.1

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I'm pretty sure you've read that chapter in a little space book where the little gets naughty and the caregiver gives a punishment and things go blabla

Well, here's my take on that!


"Park Jimin, sit your ass down this instant!" Min Yoongi says, tone shifting lower as it grew fierce with authority. He and Jimin went on an ice cream date and the little had too much sugar in his system.

The once well-mannered and goody-two-shoes little was now running around as if he was from the jungle.

"Nope! Not listen to Daddy!" he laughs, jumping on the family couch. Yoongi was so close to giving up as he ran a hand through his black locks.

He looked at his apartment. The organized living room became a mess, the couch not fixed as it turned sideways. Chimmy was on the floor, a few magazines from the rack were toppled and sprawled beside the stuffed dog, and the television was blaring the latest episode of Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

In short, Yoongi was in the midst of chaos.

"Jimin, if you don't follow me this instant you're getting a time-out!"


"I'm telling you young man! I'll even confiscate Chimmy!"

"No! Daddy would never!" Jimin answered. The silver-haired never imagined his daddy confiscating his favorite stuffie, Chimmy. His daddy wouldn't dare hurt him.


Minnie wasn't threatened by his caregiver. Instead, he jumped more and became more energetic if possible.

Yoongi was near his limits. His little was pressing buttons that caused him irritation, and with the overwhelming anger he felt, he exploded.

"That's it! I'm getting Chimmy and you're getting a time out for the whole night!" Yoongi screamed.

This made little Jimin freeze. He sat down on the oddly positioned couch and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

"No! Daddy unfair!" he answered back, refusing to believe the fact he was getting a time-out for the whole night.

"Oh you heard me, Jimin! No contact whatsoever with me nor Chimmy until morning!"

Jimin felt sad and down, not wanting to sleep without his stuffie and Yoongi later that night. He cried, arms flailing as his legs stomped on the apartment floor. Yoongi hated seeing his little cry, but he thought that it was indeed time for him to toughen up with discipline. The little could indeed become a handful.

"Stop it, Jimin! Go to your room!" the ravenette barked. It was so hard for him to do what he was doing, but in an angry state like what he was in, his mind was all over the place. He didn't weight the pros and cons of his actions.

He acted on impulse, and he was surely going to regret that the day later.

Jimin, harsh sobs and warm tears escaping his system, decided to follow his daddy. He didn't want to upset his caregiver further. No, he can't upset his caregiver too much. He would leave.

Like what Hoseok did.

Jimin ran to his room, not minding to spare his beloved Chimmy a glance. He went and didn't bother to lock the door, a small glint of hope still alive in him.

A hope that Yoongi will come running in and take back his punishment.

Little Minnie went straight for his bed. Mr. Po, who Jungkook had left when they had a play date, was quickly wrapped in the boy's arm.

Jimin waited, waited, and waited. But to his dismay, his daddy didn't come to kiss him goodnight. While his body continued to shake because of his hiccups and cries, Jimin whispered to himself.

"Minnie been bad, promise not to do that again. . . ."

With that, Jimin ended his day with a heavy heart, hoping the pain could be swept away once he was in his dreamland.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was downstairs, fixing the mess his little created. He sighed, placing the story books back to their proper places. He did feel guilty for his sudden outburst, admitting​ to himself that the punishment may have been too severe, but on the other hand, Minnie had to be disciplined properly.

After half an hour, the apartment was back in order. He checked the time, it was already midnight. It was a Sunday and he had no work for the next 24 hours, but he decided to call it a day.

Before laying on the couch, he decided to secretly check on his little. He tiptoed his way towards the bedroom, not wanting to create noise in the quiet household.

He peeped in the room to see his prince sleeping, his breathing slow and steady. He smiled to himself, muttering a 'goodnight' before returning to the living room, where he was about to doze off.

The morning after, Yoongi woke up early, the clock reading seven thirty. He smiled to himself, being greeted with a peaceful atmosphere. He walked to the small kitchen, preparing a pancake batter afterwards. After some time, he had already made a small batch of pancakes, just enough for him and his little.

Once he set the plates full of breakfast on the kitchen island, he went to the bedroom to see his boyfriend sleeping.

"Baby, wake up. Breakfast is ready," he said, shaking Jimin a bit. Once his boyfriend stirred, he smiled and kissed him on the lips. He was surprised as his boyfriend tensed on the quick peck.

"Jimin, you okay?"

"M-morning breath, Daddy."

Yoongi was surprised at the boy's words. He woke up little, and Jimin never really cared about his morning breath when he was in little space.

"O-okay then. Let's get you ready for breakfast, pancakes are already served," he said, hand attempting to fix the boy's hair.

"No Daddy, Minnie can do it alone."

With that, the boy was out of bed and waddling straight to the bathroom without any assistance. Yoongi was left on the bed, a mixture of surprise and confusion etched on his face.


Unedited, so bleh! I split them into two parts, next chapter will probably be up any day in the upcoming week!

Any ideas? Predictions? I love reading your thoughts!

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