Back to School

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Time progressed quickly, and before Jimin knew it, a month had already passed by. Living with Yoongi at their new apartment was sort of a dream for the male, in all honesty. He, a couple of months back, wouldn't even dare dream of getting a new caretaker and place. It was a fantasy that he never wanted to end.

But although he was very happy, he felt like a hassle to his boyfriend. Yoongi had somehow persuaded Jimin into quitting his last job, leaving him jobless and with nothing to do. Yes, the younger liked how he somehow got a break from life, but that was just a week into his unemployment. Two weeks after, he had enough and a thought that has long been haunting his mind resurfaced strong, boggling Jimin for quite some time. A week later, he finally made his decision and decided to confront Yoongi about it.

"Hey Hyung?" Jimin called, not looking at Yoongi as they ate their dinner quietly. Yoongi looked up, smiling as he munched.

"Yes, baby?"

"Uhm, you see . . . I've been thinking about something for quite some time now," he said, still not looking his boyfriend dead in the eye.

That immediately made Yoongi very concerned.

The elder put his chopsticks down, his eyes soon filled with worry, "What's wrong Min?"

"You see, I've been jobless, like literally, for quite some time now. I've been thinking if. . . ."



"Woah, slow down cowboy, what did you say?"

"Uhm, i-if I can go back to college? Next year? I'll pay for my fees, I swear! I'll go get a job and make sure to give my part in our bil-"

"Baby, what do you mean give your part in our bills? You don't need to! I'm happy you're thinking about going back to college, and I'll support you fully. I'll provide for the both of us, I can manage. Okay?"

"But Hyung, that'll be too much. Working part-time for something I really want is no biggie for me, believe me. I can do this," he answered, holding onto his utensils tightly.

The conversation continued for the rest of the dinner, both arguing about money. Yoongi worked full-time in one of South Korea's largest and leading entertainment companies, and he was earning more than enough for the both of them, and so, he didn't see the need for Jimin to go back to work while he was in school.

Jimin on the other hand, wanted to be of no hassle to his boyfriend. He never wanted to be seen as somebody who used others for his own gain, especially Yoongi. It just didn't sit right with him.

But alas, by the end of the night, Jimin was able to convince Yoongi into allowing him to work. Jimin was to pay for his college, and Yoongi would be the one to pay for their monthly bills.

Jimin had a few months before openings for the next school year were to pop out, so he took it as a head start. He planned on finding a job, and all his earnings would go for his college. He was beyond excited, he stayed up all night looking for good dance academies. His life-long dream of being a dancer was still in his heart, and he wanted to pursue it not only as a hobby, but also as a profession.

And tomorrow, he'll start job-hunting.

"Oh god, it sure is hot in Seoul this summer!" Taehyung whined, a hand shielding his face from the sunlight.

"Shut up Taehyung, you're being a drama queen," Jimin said, looking at the next bistro he saw. Jimin quickly went out to seek a part-time job the day after. There were a lot of hiring shops downtown, but he still wasn't being hired. A few more days later and before he knew it, he's been searching for a solid week. So hopefully, getting hired that day would already be possible.

"If you would just listen to me for once in your life and go to the public pool, then you might get a job!" Taehyung said, a bottle of cold coke in his hands. Jimin was irritated, seeing impatient Taehyung whining about the summer heat. It wasn't even that hot, people just had extra thick skin!

"Fine! Let's go to the pool," Jimin said, so done with his brat of a best friend. Taehyung cheered, planting a sloppy kiss on his friend's cheek. Jimin let out a loud sound of disgust as he wiped the kiss off of his face.

The both of them went to the public pool, all thanks to Taehyung's pleads. Jimin went inside the pool's office to talk to the manager, while Taehyung finished his soda and watched cat videos as he waited for his companion.

After an hour, Taehyung saw Jimin walk out of the office. He quickly approached the other, concerned for he saw a frown displayed on the male's plump lips.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did they think you weren't qualified? Bitch, I'll make them pay! You swim like a mermaid! No, I take that back! You swim like the queen of the fucking mermaids!" Taehyung said, immediately clinging onto his friend's arm.

"Taehyung. . . ."


Taehyung was surprised as he saw Jimin's frown slowly turn into a humongous grin.

"Oh my God you fucking trai-"

"Bitch I got the job!!!"

Jimin quickly screamed in joy and so did Taehyung. The boy laughed as his best friend started hitting him on his shoulder.

"I.THOUGHT.YOU.DIDN'T.GET.THE.JOB," Taehyung said in between slaps on the arm. Jimin laughed, hugging Taehyung tightly.

The day continued for the best friends with grateful hearts, especially Jimin. He was so blessed to have gotten a part-time job after his week of searching. Taehyung, although irritating, was really of huge help to him.

'Baby steps,' Jimin thought, a smile once again making it's way on his lips.


I wrote this on one sitting so yey!! I'm very motivated to write when I write using keyboards of laptops, so I'll probably start writing on my dad's laptop more often hoho.

Anyhooooo, thoughts on this chapter? Leave a vote and comment, I love hearing your thoughts! Have a happy day loves. ;))

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