Year-End Closure

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new year's message @ the very end!

Advance happy 2019 everybody!!


"Hyuuung," Jimin called, hugging his new blue unicorn as he spoke.

"Yeees?" Yoongi replied, mimicking his tone. Jimin laughed, nuzzling further into the toy.

"I was wondering if we could spend the New Year's over at Namjoon Hyung's house?"

"Namjoon's house? I thought he and Jin Hyung lived together?" asked Yoongi, looking at him. They were both sitting on the couch, just enjoying the final day of the year, 2018.

"Yeah, but Namjoon Hyung owned a house prior to dating Seokjin Hyung. He's in good financial condition so he just hired a caretaker to keep the house in shape," answered Jimin. He averted his eyes from 'Avery' (as he called the unicorn) and gave his boyfriend a convincing look.

"Who will be there?"

"Well the guys will be there! Namjoon's throwing a party and we're all invited," Jimin answered. He really wanted to go, all he needed was Yoongi's approval.

"I don't know baby . . . don't you want to spend the New Year with me?"

"Of course I want to Hyung! It's just that, it'd be nicer with the others, no? It's not everyday the year turns 2019!" reasoned Jimin. He batted his eyelashes and smiled cutely at his boyfriend, making sure to emphasize his chubby cheeks.

"Oh don't look at me like that Par--"


"Damn it! Fine, you win! What time is that party anyway?"

Jimin squealed in delight, completely forgetting about Avery as he crawled and straddled Yoongi. He laughed, saying thank you as he kissed different parts of Yoongi's face.

"Wonderful! Party starts at 9, I can just drive us there," Jimin said, grinning as he stopped assaulting the elder with kisses.

"Don't stop," whined Yoongi. Jimin giggled, kissing the male again and again.

"But there is no way in hell I'm letting you drive, babe. You can't drive for shit," added Yoongi. That made Jimin scoff, his kisses once again halted.

"Me? A bad driver? It was one time I didn't park properly, Mister! One time!"

"Yeah, you failed driving school, that's why you've only driven a car with me once."

"You know I passed driving school!" Jimin argued. Yoongi snickered, closing his eyes as he spoke.

"Let's just stay like this for a while, yeah?"

Jimin sighed, but nevertheless stayed cradled in Yoongi's hold.

The couple then decided to spend their day watching romantic cliches. Both were interested in the genre, and so they spent a few bucket of tears, especially when it was Titanic.

"I still don't get why Rose never sold the necklace her fiancé gave her. I mean, I'd sell it in a heartbeat if I needed the cash!"

"Come on Jiminie, Rose could've been a jewelry enthusiast!" replied Yoongi, nose settled on the crook of the younger's neck.

"Ugh, whatever. What time is it anyway?"

"Hmm, 6:30 P.M."

With that, Jimin took the initiative to break his shared hug with the elder. Yoongi whined, trying to pull the younger back.

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