Punishment Gone Wrong pt.2

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Yoongi was frozen for a few seconds, surprised at the little's movements. Why was he being so . . . off? He had no problems with Jimin being a big boy in little space, but he just seemed so distant and different that morning.

'Must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed,' he thought. He fixed the little's bed and soon followed Jimin in the bathroom. He went and opened the door, meeting nobody but the marble tiles. His eyebrows furrowed, 'He brushed his teeth that fast?'

He tried to shrug off the unusual attitude, walking to the kitchen island. Unlike normal Sunday mornings, the theme song of Minnie's favorite cartoon show was not enveloping the apartment. Instead, Jimin was seated beside the counter, arms neatly folded as he sat in front of his breakfast plate.

"Baby, don't you want to watch some cartoons?" he asked, about to slice his little's pancakes when-

"I'll do that Daddy. You can eat now."

He even sounded big.

"O-oh okay then. Pass Daddy your bo-"

"I can pour myself milk too."

Yoongi was sure something was off.

The two ate their breakfast in silence, the younger trying his best to stay still and make less movements. He was becoming a bad boy, and he didn't want to be left by his daddy. No, he can't afford being alone again. It scared him- frightened him out of his wits.

He needed to be a good boy. A very good boy at that.

The day continued, Yoongi trying his best to get at least some energy from Jimin. Yes, the little talked to him, followed his orders, and did his normal Sunday routine. But something wasn't right.

Jimin didn't have the same energy his being used to radiate. He wasn't himself, and it killed Yoongi to not be able to see the glint of happiness he used to see in the boy's eyes.

Jimin wasn't Jimin.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Yoongi asked, a bit surprised but relieved to hear the faintest sound of a chuckle. He stopped looking at the television and looked at his little.

Much to his dismay, Jimin, as if in robot mode, tensed and quickly lost the smile his eyes had. He cleared his throat and tried to sit up straight, letting go of Ellie, his stuffed toy.

"N-nothing Daddy."

This made Yoongi frown. Concern boiled in him and he wanted to confront his baby.

"Little prince, are you okay?"

Jimin answered a little too quickly, "I'm fine, Daddy."

"Are you sure? I mean, you've been off all day an-"

"I'm okay."

"Are you really sure? You weren't being yourself and I'm starting to wo-"

"I said I'm fine!"

Yoongi was shocked at Jimin's outburst, mostly because he had never seen the boy's temper boil. He rarely snapped, even in big space.

Jimin, seeming to realize what he had done, started to let panic sink in,"N-no I didn't mean to shout Daddy, I swear. I'm so sorry, I've been a bad boy."

"No baby, Daddy's all r-"

"No. I behaved bad and I'm not okay with that. D-daddy please don't leave me, I promise I won't be naughty anymore. It's all my fault, I'm s-so sorry."

Before the ravenette could say another word, the younger was already crying, shoulders shaking furiously.

"A-all Minnie's fault. S-stupid Jimin, stupid, stupid, stupid. . . ."

"Hush, love. You aren't stupid, I assure you that," Yoongi said, arms scooping his crying boyfriend. Jimin hid his face in Yoongi's shirt, tears flowing down his cheeks like a waterfall.

"B-but I am. I'm so stupid, Minnie even made D-daddy angry last night."

That was when everything made sense.

Yoongi's punishment was way overboard, and he recalled something saying you should never ignore your little on purpose. He had hurt Jimin, he hurt him so bad.

"Baby I was just tired. I took my anger out on you and I did wrong. You're great, love. You aren't stupid, you're my baby. Daddy is sorry," he said, stroking Jimin's back as he slowly rocked the emotional male.

Yoongi spent the rest of the hour comforting Jimin, whispering words of assurance into his ears. He was indeed sorry, and Jimin felt that.

Jimin fell asleep on the couch after all his crying, Yoongi placing him back to the bedroom.

Yoongi wasn't the perfect caregiver at that moment. Then and there, he realized his flaws, and the truth: he had a long way to go in terms of becoming Jimin's best daddy.

And that road, was a road Yoongi was forever determined to take.


Not the happiest chapter in the book, eh? But these count as the foundation of their relationship. :)

Bc this one was a bit sad and all, I'll try to produce some fluff. This was supposed to be a cute book istg😂

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