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Unedited but will be edited once i have the time!!

“Baby, what happened?” Yoongi asked, a worried look displayed on his face. It was a Sunday morning and the first thing that greeted Yoongi was the sound of vomiting. Jimin was on his knees, throwing up all the content in his stomach straight to the toilet bowl. Yoongi was there, rubbing his back as comfort.

Once he was done, he looked up at Yoongi, eyes glossed with unshed tears. He shook his head as he slumped on the bathroom floor.

“D-daddy, Minnie not feeling well,” he sobbed, a lone tear running on his face. Yoongi immediately flushed the toilet bowl and cradled his boyfriend, seeing that he was close to crying hard.

“Oh my little prince, don't cry,” he said, gently kissing the top of his Little's head. But it was too late, Minnie was already crying, the throbbing of his head too extreme for him to handle calmly.

“S-sickies won't go a-away! Head hurts, Daddy,” he cried, holding onto his caregiver. Yoongi tried to calm the silver-haired down, and once he did, he made Jimin brush his teeth and wash his face.

“Can you be a good boy for Daddy and rest? Lay down, Gumdrop,” he said, leading Minnie to their shared bed. The boy shakes his head vigorously, wanting to watch his favorite cartoons in the living room.

Jimin becomes a brat when he's sick—big or little, and Yoongi was just about to witness his transformation.

“No! Wanna watch Paw Patrol!” Minnie said, head aching worse as he fought with the ravenette. He refused to lay down and stomped his feet.

Yoongi was surprised at the sudden attitude. Never had Jimin thrown a tantrum while he was little. He was always one to follow obediently and earn praises for his wonderful manners.

“No Paw Patrol for now Minnie. You need to rest for the sickies to go away,” he said, attempting to put the little back in bed. But no, Jimin flailed his arms as he cried, refusing to not watch his episode.

Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his black locks as he looked at the crying male.

“Baby, you need to lie down. The sickies will become stronger if you don't rest. Do you want the sickies to stay?” he asked, wiping the younger's tears off of his chubby cheeks. Jimin slowly shook his head, small hiccups and sobs making their way out of the younger's mouth.

Little Jimin didn't want the sickies to stay. He hated the feeling of his sore throat, runny nose, and throbbing head. He didn't like any bit of it.

“If you don't want them to stay forever, you need to listen to Daddy and lay down. Why should you listen to Daddy?” Yoongi continued, slowly but surely getting Jimin to rest his head on a pillow.

“B-because Daddy know best,” Jimin answered, surrendering as he got tucked in by his boyfriend.

“That's right. I won't do anything to harm you, Baby. Daddy only does what's good for you. Now, be a good boy while I'm gone okay? Daddy's going to cook you some food,” Yoongi smiled. Once he saw Jimin calm down, he went out of their bedroom and walked straight to the kitchen.

Half an hour passes by and Yoongi thinks everything is okay. He was looking at the chicken soup when he suddenly hears a loud thump. He looked at where the sound came from and saw that it came from their room. He quickly shuts the stove off and he brisk walks to Jimin's aid.

“Baby? What happened?” he asks, checking the surroundings. He sees Jimin crying as he sat on the bed and their newly bought lamp on the floor.

“M-Minnie needs Chimmy! Chimmy not here!” he cried, his head in his hands. Yoongi grabbed the lamp and put it back to their bedside as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“And why did you have to throw the lamp?” he asked, fixing Jimin's hair. Yoongi almost hissed as he felt Jimin's forehead, his body temperature was boiling hot.

“C-can't find Chimmy,” the younger said, head hung low. Yoongi internally rolled his eyes, letting the childish tantrum slip as the younger was sick.

“Baby, how about we make a pact?” Yoongi suggested, trying to save their household from another tantrum.

“W-what's a pact?” Jimim asked, a hiccup escaping his lips after.

“It's like a deal. I know where Chimmy is hiding. If you behave, I'll talk to Chimmy so he'll be with you and I'll make the sickies go away. If you don't, then Chimmy would continue hiding.”

“Ch-Chimmy hiding?” Jimin asked, pouting as he thought of his best pal. Yoongi nodded, speaking after.

“Chimmy gets scared when he sees naughty boys. He doesn't like it when they misbehave. Now, do you want Chimmy to come out?”

Jimin nods, wanting nothing else other than his stuffed dog. Chimmy always guarded him when he was sick and alone. He fought the sickies away, just like what his Daddy was about to do.

“Then you have to be a good boy. Can you be a good boy for Chimmy and Daddy?”

“Y-yes. . . .”

“Then I'll go talk with Chimmy to convince him to go here. No more tantrums, alright Baby?” Yoongi asked, getting an expected nod. He smiled, ruffling the silver hair of the younger before going outside. Chimmy was on the living room, mixed with the throw pillows on the couch.

“You, little fella, just saved my ears,” he whispered, grabbing Chimmy from it's place. He put it behind him as he walked back to Jimin. The elder approached his little, smiling before revealing the stuffie from behind.

“Chimmy!” Jimin excitedly exclaims, making grabby hands as he tried to get a hold of the yellow stuffed toy.

“Promise no more crying?” Yoongi asked, holding out his pinky. Jimin nodded, locking their pinkies together. With that, Yoongi hands Chimmy to Jimin, the sick boy squealing in delight as he rubbed his cheek against the dog.

Once Yoongi had made sure that Jimin was resting, he walked back outside. Lucky for him, the chicken soup was already cooked when he left. He put some in a bowl and grabbed a glass of water, putting them on a tray. He went inside the bathroom and took a pill for Jimin, walking back to get his younger's food. He entered their bedroom, sighing in relief as he saw the younger peacefully hugging the stuffie.

“Baby, open your eyes. You need to eat,” he whispered, thumb caressing the younger's cheek. Jimin stirred a bit before fluttering his eyes open. He sat up, trying to be as obedient as he could be. He wanted Chimmy to stay by his side.

With their little pact, the couple went through the day. Yoongi took care of his little for the whole time: feeding him, cleaning his body, and keeping track of his temperature. By night time, Jimin's temperature was already goin back to normal. All he needed to do was rest and he'd be fine the day after.

“Thank you for fighting the sickies, Daddy,” Jimin mumbled, looking up to his Daddy. Yoongi smiled, gums showing as he looked at his little. He was sitting on a chair beside the bed, tucking Jimin to call it a day. He was unfortunately sleeping on the couch. As much as he wanted to sleep beside his little, he didn't need to get sick. Not when tomorrow was a work day.

“You're welcome my prince. Get some sleep, tomorrow you'll be feeling better. I love you,” Yoongi softly said, eyes looking at the younger adoringly. Jimin nodded, uttering a barely coherent 'Love you too Daddy' before drifting off to dream land.

Once Yoongi made sure Jimin was asleep, he turned off the lamp and stood up from his chair. He grabbed it and walked to the living room. He fixed himself up before crashing on the couch. In a minute or two, he was already asleep, mouth open and arms in between his legs.


HOLY CRAP I WROTE THIS IN tWo DAYS (putting this first than my reaction paper bc i love y'all😢) THAT'S A NEW RECORD FOLKS

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