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"i'm so sorry miss."

those four rang through millies head for what seemed like forever before she snapped out of her trance. "miss, he's in a coma." the nurse said, putting a hand on millies shoulder in comfort.

millies eyes shot up at the words, at least he isn't dead. he-he's still alive. millie reassured herself. "d-do you know when he'll wake up?" she asked, looking into the room, worry plastered all over her face. the nurse sighed once again, "we're not sure. it's very hard to predict."

millie felt a tear roll down her cheek, as she quickly thanked the nurse and walked into finns room. she walked over to the side of his bed, grabbing his hand and squeezing it very softly. she pulled it up to my lips and kissed it.

"please come back to me baby." millie whispered, a single tear falling out of her eye. there was no movement, and it was silent for what seemed like forever except for the sound of monitors beeping.

millie looked up to finn, whose face was covered in cuts and bruises. his other arm was broken, and he had broken a finger. millie let out a sigh, squeezing his hand once more.

"i know you're not awake right now. i know you're not going to hear this, but please finnie, please come back to me. i don't know what i'd do if you... you d-died," millie said, letting a sob escape her lips. "b-because if you d-die, finn, i-i just don't know what i would do. i wouldn't be able to go on with my life. i would be a different person. please finn, come back to me." the short haired girl whispered, putting her head into the bed and crying.

sometimes you need to just let it out. keeping everything bottled up isn't good for you.

so, millie let it out. right then and there with a sleeping finn, who could possibly not wake up.


the next few weeks at school were hell. it seemed so glum without finns happy smile around.

three weeks.

it had been three weeks since the crash happened, three weeks since millie got to hold finn in her arms, three weeks since sadie got to make fun of finn, three weeks since noah, caleb, and gaten got to go wild with him at parties. and three weeks since grace and rowan messed around with him in spanish.

everyone was miserable. especially millie. it came to a point where she wouldn't get out of bed for hours and become late to school. her attendance was horrible, her grades were dropping, and she had so much late work that she didn't even have the energy to make up.

but one dark and rainy day, the brown family got a call from the wolfhards, telling them to meet them at the hospital ASAP. millie, of course was worried sick that it was going to be something horrible.

she was terrified of what was going to happen.


"m-mum, i'm so sorry. i'm sorry i've been lazy. i'm sorry that i haven't been attending my classes and missing work. i'm-i'm just so stressed a-and i'm so so scared, i don't know how to handle all of this-" millie said as she started crying into her hands as her mum drove to the hospital. millie's mum gave her a sympathetic look, smiling a bit and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "it's already sweetie, you don't need to worry about that right now. school and your grades should be the least of your worries. it's alright, i promise." she said sweetly, making millie smile and let out a small laugh. "thank you, mum." she croaked.

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