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ever since finn 'cheated,' things felt different. everyone acted different. there was a feeling in the air that was different. no one knew what it was, no one mentioned it, and everyone felt it.

and by everyone i mean finn, millie, sadie, rowan, grace, caleb, gaten, and noah. especially millie. she knew something was up with finn when he started drifting away from her. everyday he drifted farther and farther away. it came to the point where they would only see each other at school.

she missed him. he missed her. but he didn't want to risk hurting her once more. but he didn't know that drifting away from her was already hurting her more than he would ever know.

for a while, things were happy. finally happy. but then one day, it all turned to shit. no one seemed happy anymore. it was always quiet. and not a comfortable silence. it was an uncomfortable, awkward, and tense silence.

someone was bound to break it sooner or later.


finn walked into starbucks, ordering a drink for him and a drink for her. he went to sit down, pulling his phone out and pulling up the one photo that made all this quiet a little bit louder.

it was that picture of him and millie. that picture sadie took of finn looking down at millie. they looked so deeply in love. from the way finns eyes never left millie's, to the way millie's smile was bigger than the moon. to the way finns grip was so tight, and they were so close, afraid of loosing each other at any given moment.

"what happened to us?" finn whispered as he clicked his phone off, grabbing the two drinks and walking to his car. today's going to be different.


millie sat at the benches in front of the school, waiting for everyone else to arrive. she was so sleep deprived. so tired. so worried. you could tell by just looking at her. she had bags under her eyes, her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, and her brown eyes weren't as bright and happy as they once were.

she sighed, opening her phone to the same picture finn had open. she missed him. she missed his smile, his smell, his taste, the way his curls were always falling in his eyes, his freckles— she missed everything about him.

too bad there was nothing she could do about it.


finn walked up to the girl, trying his best to look happy. he was trying. she looked up at him and locked eyes, she was trying to read him. trying to see if she could see any guilt. anything that would tell her that he missed her too.

but she couldn't find anything.

finn broke their contact, looking at his feet as he approached her. he sat down next to her, setting down her drink and giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. he was trying.

millie smiled at him. that small gesture made the coldness she had been feeling lately become a little bit warmer.

everyone else came, something in their eyes that was determined to make today better. make today count. there was a glimmer of hope in millie's eyes for a split second. and for that split second, she felt happy.

happy to be there with her friends.


the day dragged out, but it eventually ended. the friends met outside the gym, exchanging smiles and walking out of the school. "lets go somewhere guys." noah suggested, breaking the silence.

millie looked up at him, smiling. "yeah. we haven't done that in a while." she said agreeing. everyone else responded with an 'ok,' or a nod of their head.

noah led them to his house, which confused all of them. "there's a fair tonight. we're all going to go and have fun." he said as he opened the door to his house. everyone agreed, stepping into the schnapp household. "i missed this." sadie confessed, scratching her arm. "me too." caleb responded, putting his hand on her arm.

they all dropped their backpacks and followed noah to the kitchen, grabbing snacks and drinks. they went up to he room after, starting some homework, smiling because they were all together.

the afternoon flew by, exciting the teens. they all got ready, the girls covering their faces in glitter. "finnie come here." millie said, pulling his arm over to her. "hi baby." he said with a loving smile. she pulled him into a hug, taking in his scent that she missed so so much. "i miss you, finn." she said into his shoulder.

she never called him finn. "me too mills. i'm so sorry for being so distant lately. i-i just don't want to hurt you again. you just mean so much to me and seeing you in pain because of me kills me on the inside." finn confessed, cupping millie's face in his hands.

"baby," millie said as she let out a small smile. "you being distant is the thing that hurts the most. and i know that you're only trying to make sure you don't hurt me, but by doing this it just hurts me. it hurts me so so much." millie said as a tear trickled down her cheek.

finn wiped it away, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. "i'm so sorry mills. i-i just don't want to loose you again." he whispered shakily.

"you won't loose me." millie whispered back, leaning in before getting interrupted. "mills! finn! lets go!" grace screamed. millie laughed into finns shoulder before getting up and pulling him over to the rest of their friends.

"it's going to be a fun night tonight finnie."

was it? was it really?


god damn it y'all this chapter is literal garbage i'm so so so so so SO sorry.

this was a filler, of course. and i know it doesn't make any sense, but i'm sort of building up the plot for that bad thing that's going to happen.

thanks for reading !

bye love u 🍓

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