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"who're you?"


millie looked at finn with glossy eyes. d-does he really not remember me? millie let out a sniffle, a single tear falling out of her eye. "i-i'm millie, baby. remember? your girlfriend?" millie said with a crooked smile, hoping finn would remember.

finn's face softened, "hi mills." he said catching millie by surprise. millie smiled and let out a laugh, attacking him with a hug. she wrapped her arms very tightly around his neck and finn wrapped his arm around her waist. "i-i thought i lost you."

finn smiled into her hair, taking in the beautiful and comforting scent. "you won't loose me." he whispered, rubbing his hand up and down her back, crying with her. "i love you finn. i love you so much and i will never stop loving you because you're the one. you're the one for me finn, i love you. forever and always." millie choked, sobbing happy tears into finn's chest. "me too baby, me too." finn whispered into millie's hair.

"i'm just so glad you're ok." she admitted, releasing from the hug and cupping his face in her hands. "i love you millie. please don't ever forget that and remember, you will not loose me." finn said as he wiped away a tear falling from millie's eye.

millie let out a small laugh, staring into finn's eyes for what felt like forever. finn was doing the same, as he slowly leaned in, closing his eyes, and turning his head a little bit. millie copied his actions, closing her eyes and leaning in as well. this was something she had been longing for, wanting. she missed his lips and how he always tasted of vanilla and cigarettes, even though he doesn't smoke. millie leaned in, getting closer and closer.

finn snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his chest. he could feel his heart beating rapidly as his lips touched millie's. his grip around her waist tightened as he pulled her down onto the bed with him. millie let out a giggle as she tugged onto his curls, which resulted in a groan coming from his lips. their lips moved in sync like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. she kissed him one more time, letting it linger, and pulling away.

"i missed you mills, even thought it feels like you've been with me this whole time." finn confessed, rubbing his hand up and down millie's shoulder as she laid her head on his chest. "i was there the whole time. i visited you... a lot finn." millie mumbled, letting out a sigh, snuggling closer into finn's chest.

"i do remember hearing you." finn said to millie. the girl lifted her head up and looked into finn's eyes. "you did?" she asked with a small smile. "yeah mills. i heard all of the times you told me you loved me." he whispered, making millie blush. six months of knowing this dork and he still gives me a damn zoo. shit man. "i do love you." millie mumbled.

"and so does everyone else. they're scared, finn. let's go surprise all of them."  millie suggested. "that sounds like a good idea. i'm in." finn said chuckling and giving millie a fist bump. "i'll call them and tell them to come over to my house, you're being discharged right?" millie asked, looking up into finns dark brown orbs. "yes, yes i am." he said as he scrunched his nose at the girl he loved the most.

millie gave him a big smile, wiggling out of his grip and walking out of the room to make a few calls to their friends.

finn let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. he was nervous to see everyone. what if they were going to treat him like everyone did when they first found out about mr harbor?? his head snapped up at the sound of a knock at the door.

"hey wolfhard." sadie said, walking over to finn and giving him a hug. "hey copper top, how have ya been without your beloved finn?" the curly haired boy teased. sadie blushed, laughing a little. "it was amazing without you." sadie sarcastically said.

"you know you love me so shut up." finn said fake-pouting. sadie rolled her eyes at his antics, taking a seat next to him on the bed. "what happened when i was gone, hm?" finn asked, looking down at his fingers. sadie sighed, "millie was an absolute mess. man, finn you should've seen it. it was terrible. i felt so bad for her." sadie admitted, tucking a piece of hair behind her ears.

"ya know, finn, you've changed millie— in a good way— she used to be this.... this bitch, this badass girl that didn't give a shit what anyone thought. she was someone who would party and get drunk every night. i never thought she would open up and change this because of a boy. i mean, the thing with her ex really screwed with her head and it was really hard for her to trust guys with her heart after that. a-and i guess you just got lucky wolfhard, hell sometimes she wouldn't even trust me." sadie thought aloud, letting her thoughts float in the air before millie walked back into the room with a big smile on her face. "cmon finnie! let's get you out of here."

"o-ok mills." finn said with a nervous smile. "don't worry baby, everyone will be so so happy to see you,
i'm sure of it." millie said, walking over to the side of
the bed and grabbing finns hand, pulling him out of the room and to the bathroom to change into regular clothes.

i sure hope so. finn thought, smiling at millie and closing the door behind him.


hlo how r u ¿ :) i'm in a weird mood rn oK ok
hope u enjoyed ?? idk this chap is weird affff!!! anywaysssss,,,,, only two more chapters after this omgmgmg then this book is over ;')) 😭😭💞💘💓
i luff you ALL 😽😽
goo bye 💐💐 have nice day

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