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This book is a clean slate for me. I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a hard time in life and writing is a huge outlet for me. I don't really think people are gonna see this, so I'm not too worried about people judging me.

Just please know that I'm putting my everything into this book and it's helping me through a tough time.

•sexual content (sorta)
•sexual harassment
•explicit language
•self harm

I guess there will be some things in here that some readers aren't comfortable with, so if any of those things don't sit right with you, then this may not be the right book for you.

If those things DO make you uncomfortable, my feelings won't be hurt. This book is honestly more for me than others, so do what ya want lmao. If you ARE comfortable with those things, keep reading I guess!!

The ideas for this book are COMPLETELY mine, so if you want to borrow or use any of them, just ask me first... please :)

Again, I put a lot into this book so I really hope you like it.

stay a petty bitch ;)

word count;199

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