~not how it works~

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*play song now ;)*

10:08 pm

I lied. I said that I should've kept my fucking mouth shut and not have admitted my feelings. I hope you didn't believe that, because I didn't... I don't.

I love him unconditionally, and I hate that I do. I hate him even more for making me love him. He drew me in and then left. Who in the actual fuck does he think he is? He gets an out and leaves me here, wholly anguished.

The worst part is that, he doesn't even know. I'm asleep, screaming for him, to the point where Grayson has to violently shake me awake. I'm up at four in the morning crying, begging, pleading for him to come back to me. I bet the damn gods can hear me, but I'm sure he can't. I bet he doesn't see when a simple word can make me fall to the floor, too broken to even stand. I bet he's oblivious to my heartache, which often causes me to feel physical pain.

It hurts so bad to the point where my chest feels like it is sucking my whole body inward, pulling and turning every way. All because I miss him.

I hate him so much. Anger boils within me all of the time. To the point where I want to scream so loud my vocal cords give out. To the point where I have no air left to breathe. To the point where I fucking die because I'm belting to the extent. If any of that was even possible, I surely would have done it by now. Because I hate what he did to me. Although, if could go back, I wouldn't change a damn thing, because what would be my other outcome? More spite?

Anger boils within me all of the time, kind of like right now...

"Mel, stop!" I grab the poster from the wall and rip it down.

"Stop what, Grayson?!" I pick up the glass lamp from the nightstand and throw it as hard as I can to the wall across the room.

"Stop!" I pick up the small nightstand and throw it to the same place the lamp ended, where it shattered.

His mom got him that lamp... sorry, Lisa.

He quickly runs to me in a spare moment and grabs my wrists.

"Stop, please." A single tear slips from my eye causing a ripple effect, letting others find their way out as well.

"Why, Gray? Why does he get to leave me, and leave you, and there be no consequence?!" He screwed his eyes shut for a few seconds, and gently opened them once again.

"Just stop." This only makes the enmity in my body break out.

I just nod my head and he does the same, smiling after. He lets go of me and I walk over to the dresser. I lean against it for a second, until my breathing gets heavy and my actions take over my body, possessing me.

I strenuously swipe my arms against the entire surface, causing his pictures and other things of sentimentality to fly all over his room. His room. At this point, there's no going back, making me even more angry. Before I can comprehend, my hand is through the wall. I have no reaction, probably the adrenaline, so I slowly pull my hand out of the wall and look back at Grayson, whose eyes are widened and jaw is practically meeting the floor.

"He leaves and I just stop? No, I don't think that's how it works, Gray." He has no reaction other than the previous and I walk out of the room, looking down at my hand.

Fuck me.

Author's Note:
So this was really short, but it makes next chapter even more intense... I'll post that in a few hours :)

stay a petty bitch ;)

word count;654

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