~blast from the past~

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7:06 pm

I stare at the tall, skinny blonde in hatred. I can't believe this bitch actually tried to get with Ethan. I know, I know... I told her she could, but she knew that I was against it. She knew that when I told her we were just friends, I was lying. I didn't know I was lying, but I was lying straight through my teeth, and she knew.

I snap back into reality when Cameron whispers in my ear.

"Hey, are you okay? Who is that girl?" I shake my head and give a soft smile.

"No one, just a girl I used to know." I continue to stare at her as she flirts with a tall man who offered her a drink at the bar.


Math was finally over and I wasn't in much of a rush to leave yet. I slowly gather my stuff and walk out of the class and head down the long, packed hall to my locker. As I approach my locker I see Claire, with Ethan, and in this moment I regret everything I told her in the classroom.

I'm... jealous?

I try to shrug it off and open my locker, but they are right across the hall from me and I can blatantly hear their whole conversation. So, of course, my nosey ass listens in.

"So, do you maybe wanna catch a movie this weekend?" I roll my eyes at her remark and the annoying giggle she let out afterward.

"I don't know, do I?" She breathes out a quiet yes and I can hear him slam his locker.

"Great, I'll pick you up at eight on Friday, Claire." The way her name rolled off of his tongue sounded so natural, like he was meant to say it, which makes my heart hurt.

I can hear her heels click away and soft footsteps make their way to me. I ignore them and exchange my books for the ones I need for my next few classes.

"Lina." I fight the urge to look at his beautiful face and focus on closing my locker and walking to my next class.

"Ethan." He walks beside me and grabs my arm, twisting me around to face him, he does this quite often.

"Are you mad at me or something?" I scoff and pull my arm away from him, continuing the journey to my class, which I have with Ethan.


"No, I'm not mad at you, Ethan. Not everything is about you." He stops in his tracks and grabs my hand this time, doing the same thing as the last, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Come with me." He pulls me to a deserted back hallway, not letting go of my hand until I'm up against a wall.

"Ethan, wha-" I'm cut off by the feeling of his lips against mine, it takes me a few seconds to take in everything and kiss back.

Our lips mould together perfectly, until he pulls away.

"Is that what you wanted?" Before I have time to react, my hand is in contact with his cheek.

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