~you cant have the best of both worlds, Corbin~

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*play song now*

3:26 am

I let the tears continuously roll down my cheek as I recall every moment we shared. It's like a billion polaroids flashing through my mind, over and over. I took every minute we shared for granted, and I utterly regret it. How his arms wrapped around me as we walked through the halls, or the way his fingers comfortingly trailed over my body while we watched movies in my room. What we had was the best thing that has ever happened to me. He was- no, is the love of my life, and everything we went through leaves me with one question.

Why'd he leave me?

I slowly get out of the bed, trying my best not to wake Grayson, and make my way to his room. The sound of my feet pattering against the floor as I walk is the only thing to be heard. I quietly open the door and walk in, dragging myself to the small nightstand next to his bed. I open the small drawer, earning a soft squeak, and grab the journal out of it. I didn't think I needed to read anymore of it before. I was doing fine, but my current state clearly argues that I'm not okay.

I already read quite a bit of the journal, but I left off at our fight. I have to admit, I was wrong. I shouldn't have kept pretending that I felt nothing for him, crushing him and myself at the same time. It got me nowhere, and I'm glad that things ended up the way that they did. Well, not everything of course.

I flip to the last page I was at and take a deep breath before reading.

'February 14, 2017

I watched as she walked down the halls and it took literally everything in me not to go up to her. I should've, but my dumbass thought it would be a bad idea. Now I wish I did. I'm currently sitting in our English class, watching her twirl her hair. She's cute when she's concentrating.'

I giggle at the last sentence. I try to think of it, but I can't remember... until-


I look behind me and see Ethan in his assigned seat. Usually, he would switch with the girl who sits next to me so we can talk, but we're currently having a difference in opinion. Why can't he just see that if we get together it'll ruin our friendship? Why does he have to be so stubborn?

I snap out of my thoughts when I realize I'm just staring at him. Our eyes lock and he closes the small journal he always carries around with him. I wonder what he writes in it? I shake away the thought and quickly look back to the paper in front of me.

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