~the sour taste of Grayson~

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10:12 am

"So your ex-boyfriend-" I cut her off.

"Boyfriend." She nods and sighs, ready to continue saying what I already know.

"Boyfriend, is in fact deceased?" I scoff at the fact that this bitch has the audacity to ask me such a personal question so bluntly, like it doesn't matter.

"Yes, he's deceased." I roll my eyes, which seems to be almost rehearsed at this point.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." A cold chuckle leaves my lips and I slouch down in the couch, crossing my arms over my chest at the same time.

"No you're not." She furrows her brows and writes more down on her notepad.

"What do you mean?" I send a hard glare and I can see in her eyes, she doesn't care.

"What made you choose this career path?" She sighs and crosses one leg over the other, removing her glasses from the bridge of her nose.

"I always wanted to help people, so here I am." I nod my head, my lips curving downward in confusion.

"For someone who wants to help, you're not doing very well." She puts her glasses back on and takes the small notepad in her hand.

"How about you tell me about him. What's his name?" She already knows, but I can tell she wants to get as much out of me as possible, so I play along.

"Ethan. Ethan Grant Dolan, a.k.a. the love of my life." She smiles softly, but this time it's genuine, making my expression soften a bit.

"What did he look like?" I smile at the thought, remembering every detail of his face like it was yesterday.

"His eyes, they resemble Grayson's, a lot, but they are more narrow. They're a flashy hazel, splashes of green and brown mixing together. They were beautiful, although, intimidating." My eyes trail back up to hers and she smiles, telling me to go on. "His lips were a soft pink color, a little smaller than Grayson's, but they were perfect. Don't even get me started on his jawline, the boy's face was carved by God himself." I let out a light chuckle and I find myself being a bit more comfortable with her.

"Descriptive, it's amazing that none of those factors have faded from your memory." I let out a soft giggle.

"There are pictures, and there's also Grayson." She puts her head down, probably embarrassed at the fact that it would be hard to forget.

"Now, tell me about Grayson." I knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Why?" She shrugs her shoulders.

"You talk about him a lot, I just want to see how he is in your eyes." I nod my head, makes sense.


"What do you wanna know about him?" She brings her hand up to her face, scratching her nose with her fake nail.

"Tell me about your relationship with him." I smile again, my face starting to hurt from how wide it is.

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