~mystery acquaintance~

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8:43 am

I stare at the small book in the midst of the clutter on his bedroom floor. It's hard to pinpoint throughout the mess, but once I see it, I can't look away. Memories virtually drown me as I remember every moment, every detail, and every day that accompanies that damn journal. I continue to stare at the ugly, brown book as a certain moment comes to mind.


"What are you writing?" The boy removes his white Converse from on top of the desk so I can sit down, which I kindly do so.

"Stuff." I awkwardly sit down backwards in the seat in front of him and give a soft smile, yet his face remains the same.

"What kind of stuff?" He shrugs and closes the ugly, brown journal, tying the string around the front.

"My thoughts, wants... desires." My breath hitches as a small smirk takes place on his soft, plump lips.

"Cool." I mentally face palm, knowing I sound like an absolute idiot.

"What's your name?" He leans forward and our faces our now closer together, but I ignore his attempt to intimidate me, even though it's starting to work.

"Melina." A genuine smile plasters on my face and I hold out my hand for him to shake.

He ignores the gesture and leans back into the desk he's placed in, a small squeak from the chair follows. He crosses his arms over his chest and stares into my eyes. I'm not quite sure what he's doing, but it seems like a bit of a staring contest is going on. I'll happily play along, though.

It goes on for a good thirty seconds until he finally looks away and sighs, causing a cocky smirk to fall upon my lips. I like winning, and I'm damn good at it. Even things this small make me feel like the best. What can I say? I'm competitive.

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