~Ethan Dolan: total badass~

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*play song when you see the 🥀*

9:34 am

Her dark blue orbs stare straight into mine. You get lost in them. I swear there was a point where I was looking at her pupils dilate, and they looked like actual waves, carelessly swarming her vision. Of course that didn't actually happen, but for a second, it seemed so real. She's intimidating, but I guess I have to be here.

I'm pulled from thinking when I hear her sigh. She was writing something down, but now her attention is back to me. I look down to my hands, one bandaged from my latest breakdown.

"How are you feeling?" I roll my eyes at the absolute bullshit that just came from her mouth.

"How do you think I feel?" She writes more down and it's pissing me off, but I try to ignore it.

"I don't think anything, that's why I need you to tell me." I scoff and shrug my shoulders.

"What do you want to know?" Her facial expression turns lighter and her eyes softer.

"Grayson said that you got extremely mad a few nights ago." I nod my head and give her a look, telling her to continue. "Why were you so mad?" I huff out of annoyance and slouch back on the couch.

"Why wasn't I mad seems more appropriate to ask, seeing how I'm not mad at just one thing." She writes more down in the small booklet and closes it, leaving the pen in between two pages so she doesn't lose her place.

"Then what all are you mad at?" I fluff up the green throw pillow and lay my head down on it, throwing my legs over the side of the couch to get comfortable.

"Everything." She writes it down again and pushes her glasses up the bridge of her small, skinny nose.

Nose job.

"Do you care to elaborate?" I frown for a millisecond and think.

Do I?

"Not really, but I probably can't leave until I do, so why not. Where do I start?" She sends me a faint smile but I don't return it, I'm not in the mood.

"How about you start from the beginning." I nod my head.

Fair enough.

"That damn book," I chuckle lightly. "that book led to our first real conversation." She smiles softly and this time I send one back.



"It's not even that fucked up of a book." I give him a 'bitch really' type of look and he just laughs.

"Yes it is. It's about a girl who got kidnapped and suddenly popped back up one day. Not to mention she's a bit suicidal." He shakes his head and then switches to nodding, confusing me on his opinion.

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