~1:21 confession~

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*no fucking song this time, BiTcH ;)*

1:21 am

I listen closely to both the soft clashing of the rain on the window and Grayson's heartbeat at the same time. I blink a few times, realizing that I've been staring off into space for the past ten minutes. My thumb glides along my index finger in a circular motion. I continue to do this until my torturing thoughts are interrupted.

"What are you thinking about?" His deep and raspy voice somewhat frightens me, but I don't think he can tell.

"Nothing," I state lowly, not really wanting to continue the conversation.

"I know it's something. You wouldn't be awake if something wasn't on your mind, Mel." He had a point, but I don't know if I even want to tell him.

I scramble out of his arms and sit up with my back leaning against the headboard. He switches out of the comfortable position and sits in front of me, placing my legs on each side of him, sending butterflies to swarm my stomach. His large hands come in contact with my forearms, gently rubbing up and down to comfort me. It soon starts to work and I feel slightly less stressed.

"Now, what's keeping you awake?" I sigh and grab his hands, moulding them with my own before looking into his vibrant, hazel eyes.

"How did he find me?" His eyebrows furrow and his eyes narrow in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I let go of his hands and look down to mine, fidgeting with my fingers.

"You know... after the incident. He never told me how he found me." He takes in a deep breath and shuffles us around, putting us in a position where his back is against the headboard and my head is against his chest.


I listen to the soft breaths that leave her lips, and I can feel her heart beating rapidly out of her chest onto mine. I can tell that this is hard for her, but it is probably about time she actually hears what happened. She's going through a hard time and maybe hearing this will help her. I hesitate a bit at first, but I do it... for her.

"You texted him and he was pretty upset about it. He said that he wasn't ready to talk to you because you were in denial and had to face reality." She throws her hand in the air as a way to object, but decides not to. "He told me he was going to cool off for a bit, so he left." I look down to see if she's okay, and she seems completely fine.

"What happened next?" I begin to think that maybe this was a bad idea, so I make sure this is exactly what she wants.

"Are you sure it's not too much for you right now. I can tell you the rest when you're ready." She shakes her head and her small finger outlines every indent of my stomach, making it initially do flips.

"My mom told me to go catch up with him to make sure he was okay, but when I caught up with him he was just staring at something. When I got closer..." I trail off, checking again to see if this is absolutely what she wants.

"Keep going, Gray." I nod my head and wrap my arms around her, comforting her to the best of my ability.

"we saw you there. He saw you first, but it wasn't long after that I saw you laying there as well." She intertwines our legs and looks up to my eyes.

"Be as detailed as possible. I want to know everything." I nod slowly and recall every millisecond from that night.

"You had a gray tank top on, but that was it. The rest of your body was completely bare." Her eyes narrow and she scoffs.

"Great, you've seen me naked." I suck my teeth and shrug.

"No offense, babe, but that was the least of your worries at the time." She nods understandingly.

"You're right, keep going." She lays her head back down and I stroke her hair softly, knowing she loves the feeling of it.

"You had a bunch of bruises in the shape of fingerprints on your body, but the most concerning one was in the shape of a hand around your neck." She nods her head, telling me to continue, so I do. "You looked completely pale and your lips were almost blue. After witnessing you, Ethan just stood there in shock, but he finally got his shit together and realized you could've been dead. He wrapped his jacket around you and checked to see if you were still breathing. He said it was really faint, but it was still there. I helped him carry you back to the house and waited for an ambulance to arrive." She takes a deep breath and her grip around my body loosens.

"Thank you, so much, Grayson. I love you so much for doing this." My heart flutters at the subtle words, even though I know she only means them in a 'friend' type of way.

It stays quiet for a few minutes, until a question pops into my head. I look down at her and her eyes are focused on her finger that is still running across my stomach.

"Mel?" She stops and lays her palm flat on my side.

"Hm?" I anticipate asking, but go along with it anyway.

"How come you've been sleeping with me lately?" She sits up and runs her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry, I can sleep in E's room if you want." She goes to get up, but I grab her wrist and stop her.

"No, that's not what I want. I'm just wondering why you've changed so much within the last week or so." She nods and lays back down, intertwining her body with my own.

"Believe it or not, I think talking to Wren has been helping me. She lets me talk about whatever I need to without being scared of her opinion. Whatever I'm feeling, she lets me be honest about it, so I think my feelings are going somewhere and not just running wild in my head." She shrugs and a wave of happiness washes over me.

Her feeling even slightly better makes me happy for her. I only want the best for her, and if talking through her feelings instead of bottling them up makes a difference, then I couldn't be more grateful. It's honestly been so hard having to hide my pain for her, and seeing her even more broken than myself is even harder. I'm so glad that I made her start talking to Wren, she's starting to get back to her old self. She's the Melina I fell in love with,

and I couldn't ask for more...

Author's Note:

idk what to say... I've been gone for like a good week, so sorry for that, and MY SHITTY ASS WRITING IS RANKED... it's not a high rank, BUT ITS A FUCKING RANK, BITCH!! okay, lemme chill. If this chapter is even more shitty than my other ones, it's probably because it's 5:15 in the morning and I'm basically corroding :)

stay a petty bitch ;)

word count;1226

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