~virgin tales~

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9:34 am

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" She looks at me questioningly. "I mean, we've just been sitting here for a half hour." She giggles.

"Honey, this is your session, I'm just here to listen." I nod and intertwine my fingers together.

"Then is it okay if we just sit? I don't really feel like talking today." She sighs and closes the small notepad, clasping the two buttons together.

"This is your session, we do what you want. Don't worry, we have all the time in the world." A fake laugh leaves my mouth as I run my finger along the soft fabric of my leggings, drawing a small pattern.

"That's where you're wrong, we don't have all the time in the world, no one does." The room fills with our heavy silence, drowning me in the quietness.

"Is that what happened to Ethan?" My neck snaps up, along with my eyes, glaring into hers.

"Excuse me?" I spat at her unintentionally.

"Did he think he had all of the time in the world?" I shake my head, calming down the more my finger drags across my leg.

"Not at all." She picks her notepad back up, probably expecting the conversation to continue.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head again, sticking to my plan for today.

"Maybe next time."


A small tap against my window continues to annoy me. I lazily get up from my bed and trudge over to my window, drawing back the curtains to see what it is. A smile dusts my lips as I see Ethan standing on a ledge in front of my window. I slowly open it, earning a soft squeak, and walk back to my bed as he crawls through. He almost trips, but he successfully climbs through and closes it.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper-yell, trying not to wake my mom.

"Get dressed, we're going somewhere." I roll my eyes and stand up.

"I'm already dressed." I look down to the long teeshirt I'm wearing and giggle. "I guess not." I walk to my closet and grab a pair of leggings.

I throw them on and slip on a pair of UGGs, grabbing my phone off of the charger afterwards. I lock my door so my mom doesn't walk in and find me gone, and climb out of my window, Ethan following close behind. We run back to his car, avoiding getting caught, and close the doors as quietly as possible.

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