~numb and aware~

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*play song when you see the 🥀*

9:44 am

"What were you thinking about?" I cock my head and furrow my brows, sending a questioning look her way.

"Huh?" She laughs quietly and licks her lips before speaking once more.

"The other day, you were thinking quite intently about something, and I wanna know what it was." I nod slowly, embarrassment inching its way to me.

"I was thinking of how daring he was." She opens the small notepad and I scrunch together my eyebrows.

"How so?" I don't really want to talk about that, so I answer her question with another.

"What do you always write in that?" She doesn't object, instead she looks down to it and smiles.

"Honestly?" I nod and nervously bite my nails. "I write down what I think of you." I nod again, slowly, feeling a bit judged. "Oh- no. No! not in a bad way. I promise, it's nothing bad." Pressure lifts from my shoulders and I relax a bit.

"Well, what do you write about me?" She closes the notepad and shrugs.

"Your tendencies, mood. Just anything that can help me help you." I nod, not wanting to know anymore. "Now, what were you thinking of?" I defeatedly sigh, knowing she won't let this go.

"I was thinking of this one time, with Ethan." She opens the small booklet and writes something down.

"What happened?" I huff and debate if I should tell her or not before deciding to do so.

"Well, he picked me up and took me on an adventure. A crazy one." She motions with her hand for me to continue and I roll my eyes. "Long story short, he made me jump off of a huge ass cliff and we made out, for the first time." She smiles softly, probably thinking of how cute we would be if she had the chance to see us.

"Did anything else happen?" I nod slowly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I told him I was a virgin that night." Heat immediately races to my cheeks and I chew on my lip, nervous of her opinion.

"No need to be embarrassed, it's just us girls. I don't want you to feel like you're talking to your therapist. I want you to feel as if I'm a friend." I nod my head and an idea sprouts.

"You want me to treat you as a friend? Trust you?" She nods and smiles widely.

"Good, because I need you to read something to me." She furrows her eyebrows and I pull out his journal.

"What's that?" I can feel my eyes starting to water, but I save the tears for when I need them.

"Everything that I say while I'm here is confidential, right?" She nods her head.

I hesitantly stand up from the couch, scared of what becomes of this. I flip to the page I was previously at and look at her. Her eyes show care and compassion, and I can tell that I can trust her. I drag myself to her and slowly hand her the journal. She takes it from me and I quickly make my way back to the couch.

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