~teasingly Grayson~

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*play song now ;)*

7:39 am

I gently glide my hand along the dark freckles on her arm, trying my best to wake her up without her getting mad. A small smirk plays upon my face when an idea comes to mind.

This'll wake her up.

I move her hair out of the way and connect my lips to the soft skin behind her ear, no reaction. I begin to leave soft kisses along her jawline and down her neck, earning a small moan. I keep going and her hand meets the back of my neck, tugging lightly on my hair.

"Grayson," I smirk against her skin and get up, leaving her there. "What the fuck was that?" She sits up and I throw on a shirt.

"Wake up, you have a session in a couple of hours." I sit back down on the bed and she crosses her arms over her chest.

She looks mad so I grab her hand, but she pulls away from me. I laugh lightly and try again, but she lays back down and turns away from me.

"Your ass looks really good." She pulls the covers back over her body and I sigh.

I go to the side of the bed she's facing and she turns the other way, starting to annoy me.

"Can you please look at me?" She ignores what I say and I grab her jaw, lightly tugging it my way so she has to look at me.

She looks tired, but still pissed as well.

"Awe, is my wittle baby-waby mad at me?" A smile starts to take over her, but she stops it, trying to stay mad. "Come on, Mel. I'm sorry." She looks at me on her own and crosses her arms again.

"For?" I roll my eyes playfully and scoop her up, a small squeal escaping her lips.

I plant her on her own two feet and the large hoodie falls back down past her hips. She crosses her arms and I do the same, staring straight into her eyes. I finally give in and huff.

"For waking you up and not putting my dick in you." Her eyes widen and she hits my shoulder, laughing at the same time.

"Gray! That is not why I'm mad." I give her a 'bitch really' look and she sends a questioning one back.

"Oh, really? If I do recall, you moaned my name." She shakes her head, screwing her eyes shut tightly.

"That's besides the point, you woke me. Asshole." I wrap my arms around her, but she doesn't hug me back.

I grab her small arms and pull them around my torso, making her hug me back. She lets them fall and I resort to 'plan B'. When she least expects it, my hand comes into contact with her butt and she yelps.

"Grayson!" I laugh loudly and continue holding her.

"Hug me back, damnit." She giggles and wraps her arms around me, causing a wave of accomplishment to wash over me.

I let go of her and look into her captivatingly green eyes. Ethan was right when he said they could kill.


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