~tickle fights and bodycon dresses~

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*play song now ;)*

8:04 am

My eyes flutter open and a smile creeps onto my face. I guess soft hair tickling my nose isn't a bad way to wake up? I hover over her to see if she's awake, and gladly, she's still asleep, light snores escaping her lips. I remove her bright, vibrant hair from in front of her face and kiss her cheek, silently crawling out of my bed right after. I grab my phone and leave my room, walking down to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I'm pulling out the eggs when my phone goes off against the island, gliding around from the vibration. I put the eggs on the counter and look to see who's calling.

Great, my mom.

I hesitantly answer the phone and mask my irritation with a fake smile, even though she can't see it.

"Hey, Mom." I say excitedly, hiding the fact that it's too early in the morning for her aggravation.

"Hi, sweetie. I was just calling to see if you and Melina wanted to come to dinner with us tonight? Your sister is in town and she would love to see you both." I roll my eyes and huff, not really wanting to go, and I can already tell Mel's not going to want to go either.

"Yeah, sure. When and where?" She squeals in excitement, making me a little less annoyed and more caring.

"Davanti's at seven. Oh! And dress nice, tell Melina to wear a dress." Well, me not being annoyed by her lasted a whole five seconds.

"You know she won't wear a dress, Mom." She huffs and sucks her teeth.

"Tell her to suck it up and put on a damn dress!" Instead of continuously arguing with her, I simply agree.

"Fine, I'll see you guys later." We say our goodbyes and I hang up first.

I'm not gonna get this girl in a dress unless it's her funeral.

I shrug off my thought and make her pancakes, along with bacon and toast. Throwing orange juice into the mix. I make her plate, then mine, setting them both on a tray and walking back up to my room.

I quietly open the door and she's still asleep. She looks so cute and I don't want to wake her up, but she needs to eat. Plus I need to tell her about dinner. I lay the tray down on the nightstand and glide my hand down her arm, rubbing up and down.

"Wake up, Mel." Her eyes slowly pry open and she smiles. "I made breakfast." I smile softly and she sits up.

She smiles widely, causing me to do the same, and pulls a strand of hair behind her ear. Once again, her eyes trail down my body and this time they don't come back up. I smirk and shift on the bed.

"I don't remember my eyes being on my stomach, but I'm not complaining." Her head snaps back up at me and her cheeks turn a light shade of red.

"Put on a shirt and there won't be a problem." I put my hands up in defense and we both laugh lightly.

"No problem here." She hits my shoulder and I hold it, pretending to be hurt.

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