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i was just wondering if you guys have any questions for me?

there is a lot that went unsaid throughout this book, which is okay for me, but i can see how it would be an inconvenience for you guys.

i keep forgetting that i know everything. i know what went down between them throughout all of the memories and all of their firsts and proms and homecomings and their graduation, but you guys don't.

you only got to see a few shots of Melina and Ethan's life together, yet there was so much more to it.

so if there are ANY questions you have for me about this book, or just about me in general. I'd be happy to answer them. in detail.

also, i was thinking about making a sequel to this book in Grayson's POV, but decided not to. i just feel like it wouldn't be as interesting as it was to get to all of the nitty gritty points of Habits, and it wouldn't be the same.

another thing, A WHOLE 1.5k OF YOU?? WHAT??

where did you guys come from?? like wth...

i honestly can't even put into words how grateful i am to have had so many of you read my shit, or even just think about reading it or click on it. it's not that much, but then again, i didn't even expect to get 10 views on my book. so thank you so dearly for that.

i love you, and feel free to comment any questions you have for me or the book. I WILL ANSWER ALL OF THEM!!


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