~orange peppermint hoodie~

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4:23 pm

Sometimes, when I have a bad dream or feel down, I go to his closet. I rarely touch his clothes, but when I do, they give me chills. His clothes give me chills. I must sound like a nutcase, but it's crazy how I have the same reaction to his clothes as I did to him.

I walk to his closet and flick on the light. I just stare at everything for a moment, taking it all in. It's absolutely amazing that I manage to do the same thing, every day, since almost a year ago, but then again, how do you get over something like that?

I spot an orange hoodie hiding within the rest and slowly walk to it. I take it off of the hanger and hold it against me, remembering the first time I saw him in it. I bring it up to my nose and breathe in, it smells exactly like him. I feel the hairs on my arms stand, and I can't get over it.


"Boo!" I lightly jump and gasp.

"Holy fuck!" He laughs and I rest my head on my arm, I'm so exhausted.

"I guess you shouldn't fall asleep in school." I playfully roll my eyes and look at his hoodie.

"A, it's lunch, and B, I got like three hours of sleep last night." He stuck out his bottom lip, fake pouting, and I hit his shoulder.

"I guess you should've went to sleep earlier, Lina." I smile at the cute nickname, no one else calls me that.

"I would've, but I had to study for our AP History test." His smile drops and I send an evil smirk his way, knowing he completely forgot.

"Shit! I'll just copy off of you." I violently shake my head and he laughs.

He wraps his arm around me and the orange from his sweatshirt reflects off of my skin. He smells heavenly, a mix of peppermint and cologne. I'll never get tired of it. The hairs on my arms and neck stand up, but gladly, he doesn't notice.

"Get off of me! You smell!" We both laugh and I lightly push him away, even though he smells like a damn dream, if that's even possible.

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