~is it true if you don't admit it?~

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*play song when you see the 🥀 ;)*

5:49 pm

"Grayson, I don't know how!" I crouch down a little to keep myself from falling.

"It's okay, give me your hands." He says while chuckling and holding out both of his hands for me to take.

I grab ahold of his hands and he slowly pulls me forward, allowing me to balance myself. Before I know it, I'm gliding across the ice, focusing on the feeling beneath my feet. I take my eyes off of my feet and look up to see Grayson already looking at me.

"See, it's not so hard." I look into his bright hazel eyes and they remind me of this one time.

"Yeah, it's not so hard." I'm not paying attention, so I start to feel my legs getting wobbly.

I look down and try to balance myself, but I'm too late. I'm swept off my feet and falling, taking him down with me. He falls on top of me, but quickly pushes himself up to see if I'm okay. His eyes meet mine and they're laced with worry.

"Oh my god, did I hurt you?!" His eyes run their way across my body to see if I'm injured, but I just laugh. "It's not funny! I could've crushed you!" We both sit up, still sitting on the ice.

I just continue laughing, looking at his worried expressions. My throat chokes up as flashes of a time continue to run through my mind. I wouldn't give up either one of these moments for anything, because these are the ones I'm going to remember most. Trust me, I've gone down this route once before.



"Ethan! I'm gonna fall!" I screw my eyes shut as I feel my feet slip from underneath of me.

I expected hard impact against my back, but instead I get hands. One on the small of my back and another one holding onto my wrist. I slowly open one of my eyes and he's already looking at me. My body relaxes and he lifts me up all of the way.

"See, you're fine. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." I nod my head and gulp the air that was stuck in my throat.

The neon lights strobe around the rink as he grabs ahold of my forearms, ensuring me that I'm safe. People fly by us as we slowly make our way to the opposite side. I take my eyes off of my feet and look up at Ethan. He's already looking at me, a wide grin evident on his face.

"What?" He stops us, almost making me fall, and fishes out a small, dark blue box from his pocket. "Ethan, wha-" he cuts me off by planting his lips on mine.

I almost kiss back, but I remember what I want, and I gave in once before. I can't allow myself to do it again. I push myself away from him, trying my best to not fall, and grab onto the wall beside us. I try to push myself back to the entrance as fast as I can, but before I can get close, Ethan pulls me to it.

I quickly sit down on one of the benches and untie the laces, focusing on them so I don't have to focus on him. Once I'm finished, I quickly carry myself to the counter, handing my skates to the girl behind it. I slip on my Vans and walk outside into the still cold air.

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