~Nancy's Diner~

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3:27 pm

My mom called it a new beginning. Can you believe that? How in the hell can losing the person you love most in this world be a new beginning? Just pack up and move on? No. I refuse to leave his side. He may have left mine, but although I may seem like it sometimes, I'm not cold enough to leave his.

I surround myself with his stuff to comfort myself, well I did. I kind of ruined most of it the other day. Now that I look back, I- ha. I thought I could say it, but I don't regret a single thing I did. He's selfish. He left me alone, to pick up the shattered pieces of my own heart, he wasn't there to do it for me. Which is exactly why some of the pieces are still scattered. I'm not fully put back together, and it's all because of him. It-

"Hey, are you okay?" Grayson, tearing me from my hateful thoughts.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I look out the window and I feel a hand on my thigh.

I can tell he didn't mean it in a sexual manner. More of a comforting way, but I'd be lying if I said that it didn't make me feel a certain way. I look down at his hand and he notices, quickly withdrawing it from my thigh, leaving that part of me cold.

"Sorry." He scratches the back of his neck and keeps his eyes on the road.

Even though he can't see it, I give a faint smile and grab his hand, intertwining our fingers and lying our hands on my thigh. He glances over at me and I blush a little, thanking God that he didn't notice since his eyes were drawn back to the road.

"Are you hungry?" For the first time in a while, I actually am.

"Actually, yes, I am." He looks a little surprised, but quickly brushes it off and heads to our favorite place.



"Nancy's?" I look at the small diner skeptically, debating on whether or not to go in.

"Trust me, it's the best." I look over at him and he's excited, so I give in.

"Okay, I'll give it a shot." I unwrap my arms from his torso and take off my helmet, him doing the same.

I follow his actions and get off of the bike, putting my helmet on the back. He grabs my hand, moulding it with his, and I feel safe. We walk in and there's a girl around our age behind the counter, waiting for people to come into the deserted restaurant. We sit in a booth towards the back and the girl comes from behind the counter, walking towards us with a smile plastered on her face.

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