~hazed acceptance~

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*play song now*

10:53 am


I slowly pry my eyes open, trying my best to collect myself. I wake up to bright lights and unfamiliar surroundings, until my eyes fall upon hazel orbs that belong to my bestfriend. I squint my eyes, still adjusting to lights burning my vision above me. I look around the room, a hospital room, and feel a bit hazy. I try my best to piece together the latest events of my life, but it doesn't quite connect.

Apparently, my dazed state is obvious, because Ethan is quick to rush to my bedside and comfort me. His large, but soft hands come in contact with my own, sending various waves of nervousness throughout my body. I ease into the comforting gesture and smile faintly before speaking.

"E-Ethan, what hap-pened?" I almost choke on my words due to my throat being extensively dry.

He gestures for me to not speak, so I try to reach the cup of water on my right but fail miserably. He chuckles softly to lighten the mood, but I still feel like utter shit. He grabs the small cup and hands it to me, brushing his hand against mine in the midst. I take a sip before handing it back to him, growing quite impatient to find the reasoning behind my hospitalization.

"Ethan," I warn, not purposely, just in a rush to know what the hell is going on.

He looks down to the hand that is still moulded together with my own. He brings my cold, pale knuckles up to his lips and plants and long and soft kiss upon them, stalling. An almost unnoticeable tear slips from his eye, practically scaring me to death. I pull my hand away, catching him off guard, and signal for him to get in the rather small hospital bed with me. He does so, kicking off his Converse and squeezing himself into the bed with me. He wraps an arm around my frail body and I entangle our legs together.

"Ethan, you're scaring me." He pulls my body closer to him, which seems damn near impossible, and places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I stare at the pastel colored walls, waiting for him to answer my initial question, but all I hear are quiet whimpers escaping his mouth. I shift to where I can see his face and look into his brown and green splashed eyes. The red tint to them is visible, and the dark circles underneath of his eyes are evident. I can tell whatever it is hurt him, but I think it's my right to know what happened. After all, it happened to me.

I weakly lift my hand up to his cheek, feeling his long lasting scruff scratch against my palm as I wipe away the tears that had stained his cheeks. I do the same to the other cheek and send a reassuring smile in his direction. I study his face as he nods, close to telling me what the fuck is going on right now. My entire body weakens as time slows, anxiousness crawling the surface of my skin repeatedly. He begins playing with my probably greasy hair, and finally smiles back.


I whine, letting him know that I'm growing impatient to find out the big bad news. He nods again and his mouth open.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I furrow my brows in confusion and skim my brain for the last image I remember.

"I remember coming to talk to you," I try to remember what happened next, but nothing came to mind. "and that's it." He nods his head and inhales a deep but sharp breath.

"I guess, on the way to my house, someone..." He trails off, I suppose trying to find the right word for the occasion. "hurt you." My eyes bug, having an idea of what he means, but how can I not remember what happened?

"I w-was r-raped?" He squeezes his eyes shut as my body shutters and my eyes gloss over. "I don't understand, I would remember something like that. You don't just forget!" I sit up and quickly close my eyes, taking a deep, shaky breath right after.

Don't take it out on him, Melina.

"I-I'm sorry, just- what happened?" He nods and he sits up as well, holding onto my forearms as an attempt to comfort me.

"They said when you were adm-" I cut him off, still confused.

"Who is we?" His eyes flicker towards the door and back to me, but I don't bother looking in the same direction he previously did.

"Me and Gray." An ocean of relief washes over me as I thank God that I was found by my two best friends instead of some stranger.

I nod for him to continue telling me what occurred, and I lay back down in the uncomfortable bed. Instead of laying down with me, he just shifts to where he is facing me crisscrossed.

"When you were admitted, they told us that you hit your head pretty hard, and that the fuzziness is only temporary, and he said you might be a little... sore." I go pale as the realization that I was actually assaulted settles in.

Multiple tears uncontrollably tears leave my eyes as low sobs start to shake my body. His eyes immediately widen at my sudden change in mood. My cries get louder as he scoops me up, holding onto me for dear life. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear, encouraging me that I'll feel better and everything will eventually fall back into place. Do I believe it? No. Is it helping? Somewhat.

"E-Ethan, w-what do I do? H-How do I t-tell my mom that I basically lost my v-virginity to a r-rapist? Oh- never mind, she probably already k-knows." He continues to shush me as the reality of the matter sets in.

My first time won't be special. It won't be with the person I love. It won't be with Eth-


I'm torn from the haunting thoughts when a plate of pineapple pizza is placed down in front of me. I furrow my brows and giggle.

"Really? Pizza for breakfast?" Despite my hesitation, I grab the warm slice and take a bite.

"It was all we had, and I didn't feel like making anything," Grayson breathes out before taking a bite of his own slice.

As we continue to eat, my mind wanders back to one of the worst moments of my life, but I couldn't be more thankful to have Ethan there with me. Through everything, he protected me, he kept me safe. He did everything in his ability to ensure my safety. That's one of the main reasons why I loved him so much. He did everything he could to make me happy.

I love you, Ethan Grant Dolan.

Author's Note:
sad to say, but this book is coming close to an end. It's gonna be hard because I've grown so attached to the characters, but it's almost time. we're ready lol... okay, I'll leave.

stay a petty bitch ;)

word count;1204

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