Chapter 2

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At St.Lorence Hospital
Nandini was busy with her work in her cabin that time Mary (a nurse of 47) come to Nandini's cabin...Nandini saw her & smile while Mary also smile..

Mary: "ma'am Mr.Beak is here ..He has an appointment with you "& Nandini gave a horrified expression 😨

N: what ?? Oh no aaiyaapa save me...why the hell he comes again ?? He doesn't have any deasease Mary ... & Mary laugh a little...

Mary: "Ma'am he takes appointment every alternate day 😁😁😁... actually he likes you " & Nandini gave her a murderous which Mary giggled ..

At that time Zubin enters in Nandini's cabin by saying

Z: Nandu your ashiq already came 😂😂

Nandini throw a glare to him & that time Nandini's phone rings...& she pick up hurriedly by praying her aaiyaapaa...

N on phone: yes ma'am I'm Ms Murthy speaking ...Did he do something again ? ..ok Am coming in 15mins ...& she ended the call ..

Z: what happened nandu ?? Who was it ??

N: Aru's Principle ...don't know ab Kya kiya usne??... Zubin I have to go to his school ..can u pls handle here...

Z: ya ya don't worry..I'll handle here & tere ashiq ki bhi dimag thikane lagta hu main..ajj uski appointment mai handle karunga & both brosis burst into laughter....😂😂

Z: Nandu will u come back here or straight to home??

N: no Zubin ..Aru ke school se "St.Mark Hospital" Jana h..ajj use discharge milne wala h.. today my baby will be back to home (with a smile)

Z: really aj chut jayega vo ?? Kal hi toh gaya tha..your 2nd son & my enemy..
hearing this nandini laugh loudly & bid bye to him ...

The Imperial school
Aarav was in the field playing busket ball ...whenever he score a busket all girl classmates are hooting 😍..& Aarav team win expectedly...Aarav is the tallest boy in the class so he easily score fact he look like 2 yrs elder than his real age ...all credit goes to his dad's genes...

As Aarav comes out of the busket ball court Kenny his class mate a cute girl kiss in his cheek & Aarav blush . At that time Nandini reached there & saw this with wide eyes & scream "Aaruuu"...Aarav saw his mom & nodded his head in disbelieve...

A: Hey mom..hii..What r you doing here ?

N: what you did ? Your principal have called me here ...

A: what I did ?? I didn't do anything..
In mind "only punched that fatty football Paul..Did he compliant to Princy??" His tarance broken by his mom's voice ...

N (glaring) : let's move to the principal's office..we will come to know the truth there only..

Both enters principal's office ...
M&A: May we come in ma'am?

P: welcome Ms Murthy ...I have called you for an urgent matter ...

N( praying to her aaiyaapaa in mind): Yes ma'am say..

P: look Ms Murthy I just wanna inform you that there is a big music competition going to be held in Los Angeles . As you know your son is the best singer we have.. I want him to represent our school on that event.

N: I'm really glad ma'am that you are giving this chance to my son but Los Angeles is too far from here. How will he join ma'am?

P: Ms Murthy you don't have to worry about it... it's completely school's responsibility to take participants there & take them's just matter of a day Ms Murthy..& it's a big chance for your son too..Only few best students around the world will get chance to participate & your son is one of should be proud Ms Murthy...

Nandini thought for few sces & asked Aarav
N : "Aru Do you wanna participate?" In which her son nodded his head positively..

N: Okey ma'am..He will participate..btw When is the event ??

P: after exactly 15days ...

N: ok ma'am & they shook hands & Nandini & Aarav leaves...

Aarav notice Nandini is in looking his mom he can understand her thoughts..He becomes pro in it..Nandini can't hide her mental state from her son..So to make her normal Aarav said

A: Take a chillpill Nandu...😂
& Nandini laugh & hit him playfully on the back of his head

A: ouch! Mom yr...I like Wildcats but not as my mom & winked at her 😉
Nandini wide her eyes on her little Prince statement ..tension become a forgotten business for her

At St.Mark Hospital
As Nandini's car enters the hospital area they can hear so many sounds of animals..Aarav get down from the car & run to the ward to meet his bro cum best buddy Alex, a big white furry dog with angelic eyes 😍. As Alex heard Aarav voice he jumps upon him by which Aarav stumble a little on his spot..

N: Thank you Dr.Frank. Thank you so much for taking care of Alex. Hope he is fine now .

DR.Frank: it's completely my pleasure ma'am & Ya Alex is totally fine now. He loves your son so much ( watching the duo who are too much into each other whlie Alex is licking Aarav face & Aarav is scolding him like a big bro as he got hurt on his right leg yesterday that's why he had to stay in this vatenary hospital for a day.)

Then trio come out of the hospital & hop in the car. Nandini is on driver seat & Aarav on passenger seat where Alex on Aarav lap..Aarav switch on the radio of the car where a live event's song was playing which brought tears in Nandini's eyes. It took every ounce of Nandini's strength to not to cry infornt of her son...
( guess whose song or whose voice was playing in the car?)

At almost the same time (1hr earlier)
The Royal Albert Hall,London @8pm

A big gathering is seen . People are gone crazy specially girls..they are pulling pushing each other & screaming their hurt out only one name ..
"Manikkkkk" "Manik Malhotraaa" "I love you Manikkk" " pls marry me Manikk" " one autograph pls" " one selfi pls Manik " "Manikk pls touch my hand " etc etc....


How was Alex & Aarav relation ?

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