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Hello guys .. I know many of you are getting mad at me for delaying to update  but few only knows M having exams from 6th September ..it really tough to update in this crucial situation ..still m trying my best by writing small small part everyday by taking small break from studies..as I don't want u all to keep waiting for one whole month for next update..

Secondly the last update still not reached 600 likes ..though I don't like to give target neither I write with any expectations of having much votes & comments but readers vote obviously motivate every writer ..

& thirdly I want to ask my readers that can anyone tell me that how to make an update private chapter as the next update will contained mature stuff ?..Ohh common I have to write little mature stuff as Manan get married after 11 long yrs so obviously they will do jamming 🙈🙈 & I have heard people report on mature containing chapter ..it would cause to delete my story by wattpad which I don't want ..so pls help me to make next chapter private ..

Hope you guys understand my problems.. I'll surely update next part till Saturday evening or maximum Sunday early morning..

Love you all
Your writer ❤

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