Chapter 26

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At Murthy villa @7am
Nandini enters to Aarav's room to wake him up ..Today she has to send Aarav school ...

N(caressing Aarav's hair): Aru..wake up ...wake up baby ...otherwise you will be late for school ..

Aarav put his head on Nandini's lap & hide himself in her tummy with groaning but didn't wake up

N(with mischievous smile) : Wake up my cutie pie cupcake ...

That's it ..Aarav sat on the bed with a bad face ..

A(whinning) : Mom ..what's wrong with you ? Cutie pie? Cupcake ? Yakkk ..

N(kissing Aarav's cheek with smile): good morning my hot baby ..

A(kissing Nandini's cheek & winking): good morning my sexy mom ..

N: Aruuuuu...

But till now Aarav has vanished in washroom ..Nandini left the room saying

N: Aru fresh hoke niche ajao for breakfast & before that wake up your Dad baby ...

A(from washroom) ok your highness..

N(smiling) noutankii...

Nandini come downstairs & get busy in making breakfast ... & here after coming out from washroom Aarav get ready for school ..then he enters in the master bedroom to wake up his Dad ..but entering there he found Manik is already up & getting ready ..

Aarav jump in Manik's back wishing him a "good morning " making manik happy ...

M: good morning buddy today early morning ? Going somewhere?

A: Dad ...where else I can go ? Your Nandu will kill me..

M(laughingly & slightly hitting Aarav's head in a fun way) : it's your mom not my Nandu...btw why didn't u get ready? Won't u get late for school?

A(confusingly): ready ? I'm ready dad ..

M: where is ur school uniform?

A: uniform? We don't have an uniform in our school ...we can wear whatever we want ..

M: ohhh...but back to India u have to wear uniform in the school ..

A(getting piggy ride from Manik) : But Dad that's not good ...every one will look like same in uniform then how people will recognise me how hot I'm..

On this Manik chuckle loudly ...

Hearing that Nandini who just come out from kitchen ask

N: what is hot ?

Manik come close to Nandini's ear (kissing her cheek): You are sooooo hot (Nandini blushed hard & slightly hit manik) btw good morning..

Aarav was with Alex they went to collect the ball & just come back ..& seeing them Manik & Nandini get conscious but little did they know Aarav's naughty mind caught them ..

A(dramatically) mom dad ..don't forget two little boys also live this house shouldn't spoiled us ..If not me then at least think about Alex ..

That's it Nandini & Aarav's chasing game started ..manik nod his head in disbelief & started eating with Alex..
After getting tired the mom son duo also join in breakfast table & they finished their breakfast with thousand tantrums from Aarav ...& Nandini ends up with promising chicken biryani at lunch to her oversmart son .

In the imperial school (pic in inbox)

Today manik come to drop Aarav to his school & Aarav is so happy that first time his Dad has come to drop him .. only he knows how humiliated he felt when some of his classmates used to mock him over his Dad..He hide all this from his mom so that she doesn't feel sad ..He always knew there is something about his Dad which his mom hide from him ..whenever he tried to talk about his Dad he noticed his mom get upset ..& this was the last thing he wish to see in this damm world ..But except all these Aarav always had a belief that one day his Dad will come back..& see God also couldn't ignore this little boy's belief & his Dad has really come back ..

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