Chapter 9

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"Stars" won everyones hearts with their mind blowing performance...No one was in mood to end their prasing session..Fab5 was so proud of them..even Aryaman & Sanjana were also witnessing their marvellous performance through Cabir's video call ...

Everyone is hooting for "Stars" like they already announced as the winner......"Stars" are on the cloud9 along with their parents ..

Al: Am so proud of you my babies ..

Na: matarani apka lakh lakh Sukriya..

Dh: tum logone stage phar dia..

C: well done stars ..

Ay, Ria & Ab: thank you ....btw Manik chachu kaha hai?
That time everyone notice Manik is not there ..

Mu: Are Abhi to yehi tha kaha gaya Manik..?

C: Are relax ..washroom gaya hoga ..Abhi ajayega..

Al: Guys I have a feeling "stars" gonna win ..

Dh: obviously Aliya ..almost sare performance ho chuke hai ...& No one was as good as them ..
With this Fab4 with Navya hugged Stars ..

In the other corner of the crowd
A lady: Where the hell is Mr.Aarav Murthy ..Mr.Rohan Rao??

Ro: I don't know Mrs.Larsen ..Even his cell phone is switched off..
So the lady in Mrs.Larsen...The teacher in charge of The Imperial school ...

Mrs.Larsen (worriedly): Ohh Jesus..pls help ...
With this all four kid ( Kenny , Shirley, David & Jack ) also pray the same to Jesus...

Ro (praying): Aaiyaapa...pls help..send Aru any how ...

On the stage
Host: wow.. just wow..What a performance "Stars"!! (again the crowd hooted for "Stars" ) guys it's time to the last performance of this amazing night ...I would like to call on stage Mr.Aarav Murthy from The imperial school , New York...
(Hearing "Murthy" Fab4 & Navya snap their head towards stage)

In the corridor..
Aarav has lost the route of the stage..
A(in mind) : Aaiyaapaa pls save me..I have lost the route...
He asked a volunteer who was standing on the same corridor...& he showed route which was the left turn & straight ...

Aarav started running in jet speed..Manik was walking in the same corridor being lost in thought of his roller coaster life..& Bang!!!!!

Aarav collided with Manik & Manik save him from falling ..but Aarav was in hurry so without seeing the person properly he just run out without turning back by saying
A: Sorry sir...& thank you for saving me ...

The very moment Aarav collided with Manik..Manik felt the same touch , the same peace & the same essence which his star used to provide him ...He again get lost in the thought of his lost star...& again started moving aimlessly with very slow steps..he has no interest left to see any more performance..

On the stage
Host: Mr Murthy ...Mr Aarav Murthy...
Pls come on the stage
(And the whole stuff of the Imperial were started praying hard & sweating badly in tension)

At the moment Aarav Murthy appeared on the stage panting badly ...
(Everyone release a sigh of relief )

Host : So Mr Murthy you are going to give solo performance..?

A: Yes..I'm a solo performer..
(He replied with his all time charming attitude & American accent)

Host: Are you nervous..Mr Murthy? After all just before you "Stars " gave a outstanding performance...

A(confidently): No..not at all..I can't ever feel nervous before playing music...

Host: whoo..this kid impressed me by his confidence only..let's hear your music too boy!
(Not just the host Aarav impressed many other by his attitude, look & confidence & one of them is Ayesha who just skip a beat ...though being a 9yrs old kid she don't know what's this feeling called)

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